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1. What springs to mind when you hear the word

2. Do people automatically have leadership skills,
or must they learn it?
3. Why is good leadership important in a boss?
4. What do you think of the leadership of your country?
5. Have you ever been in positions of leadership?
6. What leadership qualities do you have?
7. What leadership qualities do you want or need in
the future?
8. Would you like to take a course in leadership?
9. What leadership quality do you most value/admire?
10. Who in the world do you think possesses the
greatest leadership skills?
11. Do you find people with leadership skills attractive?
12. Is there always stress in leadership positions?
13. In what situations do we need good leadership?
14. Does leadership exist in a romantic partnership?
15. What different kinds of leadership styles are there?

Leadership Explained in 5 minutes by Simon Sinek

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