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Training and Development refer to imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills, knowledge and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). Training refers to change in ksas in order to improve performance on currently held job. For eg:an example of training is the firefighters drill,the firefighter must precisely follow the steps in case of a fire. Knowledge is a collection of facts, information, and/or skills acquired through experience or education or (more generally) the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. A skill is the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both. Competence (or competency) is the ability of an individual to perform a job properly. Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.Development is not primarily skills-oriented. Instead it provides the general knowledge and attitudes which will be helpful to the employees in higher positions. Development provides training and experience to help acquire ksas for future jos.

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Learning:Relatively permanent change in behaviour that results from

practice or experience. Education:Developing Ksas that will be applicable in several situations. Experience:learning on the job that takes place informally and without planning.

According to the recent review by Harvard Business Review, there is a direct link between training investment of the companies and the market capitalization. Those companies with higher training investment had higher market capitalization. It clearly indicates that the companies which have successfully implemented training programs have been able to deliver customer goals with effective results. It shows that good training results in enhancement of individual performance, which in turn, helps the organization in achieving its business goals. Training is a tool that can help in gaining competitive advantage in terms of human resource. With the growing investment by IT companies in the development of their employees many companies have now started their own learning centers. As an example, Sun has its own training department. Accenture has Internet based tool by the name of My Learning that offers access to its vast learning resources to its employees. Companies are investing in both the technical training, which has always been an essential part in IT industry, as well as in managerial skills development. Companies now kept aside 3-5% of revenue for training programs. As an example, some of the major players like Tata Elexi and Accenture are allocating 7% and 3% respectively of the companys overall revenue.

Training and Development activities in organisations have become an integral part of its functioning .Companies organise several training programmes for workers,staff and executives.These programmes are organised both inhouse and on outdoor locations. Furthermore with the advent of TQM and ISO 9000,training has become a very important activity.

Performance improvement Skill updating Solving organisational problems New employee orientation Preparing for promotion Opportunities for personal growth

Organisational benefits Customer benefits Employee benefits



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