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Name : Sujit Suryakant Londhe

Class  : EJ5I
Roll No : 19633
Mentor : Archana mam
Course Name :  C Language 
  Contents :

 Course Information
 Certificate
 History of C language
 Benefits of the course
 Future Scopes Of C
 Time period :
Weeks Work Done
1 [Beginner Level ] - Introduction to C programming, Operators, executing the program & fix
it, Post/pre -increment & decrement, conditional statements, if else statements, print the
program, control statements(theory & videos), executing the program & fix it.

2 While loop, Do while loop, solved the code Challenge, practicing the program & correcting
the error, Stage exam, Arrays, strings (theory & videos), executing the program & fix it. 

3 Stage exam, Functions, Structures,(theory &videos), Pointers, print the programs, &fix it,
Stage exam, Level assessment Exam.

4 [Moderate Level] - Introduction to C programming, Operators, executing the program ,

Conditional Statements, Control Statements, Arrays, Strings, Solved the code Challenge

5 Stage Exam, Function, Structures & Unions(theory & videos), Pointers, print the programs
and solved the code challenging, Stage exam , Level assessment, 
[Expert Level] - Variables and data types (theory & videos), Print the program.

6 Stage exam, Conditional statements, else statement, Control statements, executing the
program & fix it, solved the code challenge,  Arrays, stage exam, Functions, Stage exam,
Calculator project( theory & videos),  print the program , Stage exam and Level assessment
 Course Information :
The Course Was Divided Into 3 Levels and Each Level Contains Some Stages :

Levels Contents
Level 1 [ Beginner ] Stage 1 : Introduction of C Language, Operators, Conditional and  Control statements.
Stage 2 : Arrays and Strings.
Stage 3 : Functions, Structures & Union and Pointers.
Level Assessment 
Level 2 [ Moderate] Stage 1 : Introduction of C Language, Operators, Conditional & Control Statements.
Stage 2 : Arrays and Strings.
Stage 3 : Functions, Structures & Union and Pointers.
Level Assessment
Level 3 [ Expert ] Stage 1 : Input/Output Functions, Variables, data types& Operators,Arrays,Functions.
Stage 2 : Pointers, Strings, Files.
Stage 3 : Structure & Unions , Banking Project
Level Assessment & Post Assessment Test
1) Operators  : An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical
functions. A symbol will perform specific task assigned by compiler .   
•  Arithmetic Operators -  [ +,-,*,/,%]
•  Relational Operators - [< >, <=>, =,!=,<=, >=]
•  Logical Operators - [&&, || , !]
•  Bitwise Operators - [ ^, &, | ,~ ] 
•  Assignment Operators - [+=, -=, *=, /=,= ]
•  Unary Operators - [++, -- ]

2)  Data Types : A data type specifies the type of data that a variable can store such as integer, floating,
character, etc.The memory size of the data types may change according to 32 or 64-bit operating system.

3)   Array : An array it is a collection of similar data items stored at contiguous memory locations and a set
that shows equal groups in rows & columns. 

4)   String : A string is a sequence of characters stored in a certain address in memory. The special
character '\0'(Null) is used to indicate the end of a string. 
5) Functions : It consists of block of code Which is capable of performing some specific tast.

6) Structure : A structure is a user- defined data type which allows to combine/group data iteams of
different data types. Struct keyword is used to create a structure followed by a  structure_name.

7) Pointers : A pointer is a variable that stores/points the address of another variable. A pointer is
used to allocate memory dynamically . The pointer variable might be belonging to any of the data
type such as int, float, char, double, short etc.

8) Variables : A variable is a name of the memory location. It is used to store data. Its value can be
changed, and it can be reused many times.
 Certificate :
 History of C language :
1. In 1972, a great computer scientist Dennis Ritchie created a new
programming language called ‘C’ at the Bell Laboratories of AT&T
(American Telephone &Telegraph), located in the U.S.A
2. C is a high- level language.
3. It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as 
‘ALGOL’, ‘BCPL’ and 'B'.
4. ‘C’ is a powerful programming language which is strongly associated with the
UNIX operating system.
5. Today ‘C’ runs under a variety of operating systems and hardware platforms.
6. ‘C’ language will remain standard, American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) defined a commercial standard for ‘C’ language in 1989.
7. ‘C’ programming language is also called as ‘ANSI C’.
 Benefits Of The Course :
 As a middle-level language, C combines the features of both high-level and low-level languages. It can be used
for low-level programming, such as scripting for drivers and kernels and it also supports functions of high-level
programming languages, such as scripting for software applications etc.
 C is a structured programming language which allows a complex program to be broken into simpler programs
called functions. It also allows free movement of data across these functions.
 Various features of C including direct access to machine level hardware APIs, the presence of C compilers,
deterministic resource use and dynamic memory allocation make C language an optimum choice for scripting
applications and drivers of embedded systems.
 C language is case-sensitive which means lowercase and uppercase letters are treated differently.
 C is highly portable and is used for scripting system applications which form a major part of Windows, UNIX,
and Linux operating system.
 C is a general-purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications, games,
graphics, and applications requiring calculations, etc.
 C language has a rich library which provides a number of built-in functions. It also offers dynamic memory
 C implements algorithms and data structures swiftly, facilitating faster computations in programs. This has
enabled the use of C in applications requiring higher degrees of calculations like MATLAB and Mathematica.
 Future Scope Of C Language :
C language is easy to learn but for having a good career in this language one has to be good in C
programming. C programming is very wide and mainly used for developing different types of
operating systems, network drivers, used in developing other programming languages, security
purposes, use of kernels, tokens etc. C is a programming language that is always in demand despite
many other popular programming languages. C has great opportunities in terms of building career
around the world and helps in applying for the real-time programming positions.

C programming has a very good career like opportunities in different field like robotics, Artificial
intelligence, machine learning, etc. The C programmers not only work in the field of computer only,
but they can also pursue their career in Education, teaching, Government sectors, etc. as some of
the programmers have a different specialization like in system analysis, project management,
information systems, etc. The career outlook of C programmers is continuously growing because of
the rapid social, business and technology changes.

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