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Circulatory disturbances

Venus Eisha L. Barte

Chronic passive congestion of the lungs

Dx: RHD with MS RIP: CHF, LSHF Gross: Lungs are swollen, boggy, brownishred Microscopic:
(+) Hemosiderin (Yellow granular pigment) within the alveolar macrophages

Pulmonary Edema
Hx: Same with CPC Gross:
Lungs heavier than normal R lung 750 g, L lung 600 g Both dark red and subcrepitant (+) Frothy, serosanguinous fluid Bronchi and trachea, wet and congested

Pulmonary Edema
Expanded alveolar spaces Filled with pink staining homogenous material Septal capillaries and veins, filled with: Plasma w/ or w/o RBCs and other blood elements

Renal Vein Thrombosis

Specimen: Kidney Small and large veins of the hilus partially or completely occluded by the thrombi in different stages of organization Thrombi, attached to WALL Highly organized thrombi: With richly vascularized connective tissue The young ones: Fibrin

Thrombi partial occlusion to the wall

Thrombi complete wall occlusion

Coronary Atherosclerosis with thrombosis

Hx: developed sudden severe precordial chest pain, DOA Autopsy:
Heart is enlarged, 400gm, due to LVH Epicardium: Smooth and glistening Myocardium: Reddish brown, flabby without focal changes upon sectioning Coronary arteries: Segmental atherosclerosis with narrowing of the lumen Anterior coronary artery: (+) occluding thrombus 2cm from origin.

Coronary Atherosclerosis with thrombosis

Microscopic: Epicardium with a coronary artery
C. artery: Asymmetrical thickening of wall due to atheromatous plaque in the intima. Atheromatous plaque: Thick hyalinized fibrous tissue punctuated by cholesterol clefts A recent thrombus, partially attached to the intima, almost occludes the lumen

Hemorrhoids with thrombophlebitis

Hx: Firm violaceous markedly tender, polypoid mass in the anus, 6 oclock position 2 years PTC Operation: Hemorrhoidectomy

Hemorrhoids with thrombophlebitis

Microscopic: Skin and underlying sc tissue
(+) central area of epidermalulceration (+) Large dilated veins (+) Necrotic walls, w/ neutrophilic infiltrates Around vessels with old thrombi are filled with leukocyte infiltrates, mononuclear cells

Pulmonary infarction
Hx: Post op complications Developed sudden chest pain, aggravated by deep inspiration Developed severe dyspnea and orthopnea RIP

Pulmonary infarction
Autopsy: Lungs
Heavier than normal Dark, red subcrepitant, edematous Wedge shaped on sectioning Saddling, slightly adherent, friable, greyish-red thrombus seen in pulmonary artery

Pulmonary infarction
Acidophilia, compared to normal tissue (+) Coagulation necrosis of the alveolar septae, capillary and venous congestion, hemorrhage and edema into the alveolar spaces

Pulmonary infarct, wedge cut shaped on sectioning

Feeling ko lang

Hemorrhagic infarct of the intestines

Hx: Severe abdominal pain, 2 days PTC At first: Colicky, becoming periumbilical in location Became more severe and generalized (+) Episodes of vomiting

Hemorrhagic infarct of the intestines

BP 90/60 mmHg, RR 30cpm, PR 115 bpm, T 39C

Abdomen distended and rigid, with tenderness and muscle guarding Sparse bowel sounds Explore lap was planned, but RIP

Hemorrhagic infarct of the intestines

Small intestinal loops markedly distended and purplish red (+) Twisting of the loops at the mesenteric attachment (volvulus) Affected bowel loops filled with abundant bloody materials

Hemorrhagic infarct of the intestines

(+) Eosinophilic tissue due to congestion and extensive hemorrhage within the mucosa and submucosa (+) Coagulation necrosis of muscular layer Intestinal villi shadowy outlines (--) intact mucosal glands

Shadowy outlines of intestinal villi

Shadowy outlines of intestinal villi

For side notes just refer to your general pathology lab sheets Thanks

Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

God bless everyone

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