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Digital Footprint

By Ayan Ali From Grade 6 Istanbul

What is a Digital Footprint?

A digital footprint-also called a digital shadow or

an electronic footprint- is the trace of data you
leave behind, when using the internet. It can
include websites that you go to, subscriptions
to online services, information about you or
your family and friends you submit online.
What can your digital footprint be used

Your digital footprint can be used to find out

information about you such as where you are
going, your feelings, about your friends and
family, your political opinions etc. This private
information can be used against you.
How to Manage your Digital Footprint?

Google yourself every couple of weeks so you

know what other people know about you.
Don’t tell anyone your address, phone number, or
your real name. Consider using a nickname.
Keep your passwords and usernames safe with
you, don’t tell anyone.
These are a few tips for how to manage your digital
footprint and keep yourself safe.
1) Write three things you have written about your
self online, or other people have written about
1. You’re smart(someone else).
2. I went to Saudi Arabia last year as a holiday(Me).
3. I liked your presentation about unity and
diversity(someone else).
2) Work with another learner and choose a famous
person e.g., music, sports, films etc. What is the
person's name: Using a search engine write five
things about that person you found about online.
I chose Albert Einstein.
1. He was born on March 14 1879.
2. He was born in Ulm, Germany.
3. He was a theoretical physicist.
4. He made important contributions to the theory of
relativity and quantum mechanics.
5. He died on April 18 1955.
3) Write down one bad thing you have found out
about that person: Does it change what you think
about the person? Yes/No?
I found out that he was always messy and was always
told when to start and stop eating and when to sleep
or wake up. But this does not change what I think
about him as his pros severely outnumber his cons.
Thank You
For taking your time and reading this

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