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The scazzero Ariola

family (p71- 77)

Student: Sainzaya Jargalsaikhan
Brief intro about my parents
Francis, my mom, was his only daughter. Her childhood and teen
years were lonely, isolated, and tightly controlled. She never had a
childhood and carried the emotional scars of her abuse into our
family. Giving and receiving love, enjoying life, fun, laughter,
playfulness, joy were unknown to her. She struggled with depression
and feelings of profound loneliness her entire life. My father was
emotionally unavailable and absorbed in work and his hobbies. He
delegated the raising of the family to my mom while he traveled. One
of the tragedies of our family was that his marriage into my mom’s
family resulted in a cutoff from his own family.
About me before and after Christ

● Along with my brothers, our role was to make “make Mama happy” since my dad was absent
for her. Even though we ere children, it was expected we would take care of her.
● When I became a Christian I naturally began to take care of others. Within one year of coming
to Christ, I was leading our college Christian group, taking care of the sheep. I simply
transferred being overly responsible in my family of origin to being overly responsible for
others salvation and growth in the church. There is no wonder that I became a pastor to care
for others.
● My conclusion- God is Love, so I shall spread love for all

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