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What Are the Differences Between the Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0?

Web1.0 Web 2.0 Web3.0

Typically read-only Strongly read-write Read-write-interact

Owned content Shared content Consolidated content

Visual/interactive Web Programmable Web Linked data Web

Home pages Wikis and blogs Waves and live streams

Web page Web service endpoint Data space


Page views Cost per click User engagement

File/web servers, search Personal intelligent data

Instant messaging, Ajax
engines, e-mail, P2P file assistants, ontologies,
and JavaScript
sharing, content and knowledge bases, semantic
frameworks, Adobe Flex
 Ethereum Founder = Vitalik Buterin

 Ethereum is a technology that's home to digital

money, global payments, and applications. The
community has built a booming digital economy, bold
new ways for creators to earn online, and so much
more. It's open to everyone, wherever you are in the
world – all you need is the internet.
What is Ethereum Node
What is Ethereum Node? An Ethereum node is a
computer that is running the software client. The
blockchain network is made up of nodes, which are the
only method to access it. Nodes communicate with one
another in order to validate transactions and record data
about the status of the blockchain.
Locally stores a copy of the entire blockchain.
Verifies and validates all the block.
Minimum requirements:
CPU with 2+ cores
 At least 80 GB free storage space
 4 GB RAM minimum with an SSD, 8 GB+ if you have an HDD
 8 MBit/sec download internet service.
Recommended specifications:
 Fast CPU with 4+ cores
 16 GB+ RAM
 Fast SSD with at least 500 GB free space
 Stores only the block header depends on full mode.

 For low capacity devices which cannot to store the

gigabytes of data.
Stores everything kept in the full node and built an archive of
historical data .
. An Archive node inherits the same capabilities as a Full node
and builds an archive of historical states. This type of node is
useful when querying historical blockchain data that is not
accessible on Full nodes. For example, if you need block data
before the last 128 blocks, you'll want to access an Archive node.
A fast CPU with 4+ cores
16 GB+ of RAM
Storage will vary depending on the client software (ss of
September 2022, archive mode on Geth takes ~12 TB and Erigon
takes up ~2 TB).
(code is law)
 Smart contracts are simply computer programs living on the Ethereum
blockchain. They only execute when triggered by a transaction from a user
(or another contract). They make Ethereum very flexible in what it can do
and distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies. These programs are what
we now call decentralized apps, or dapps.
 Have you ever used a product that changed its terms of service? Or
removed a feature you found useful? Once a smart contract is published to
Ethereum, it will be online and operational for as long as Ethereum exists.
Not even the author can take it down. Since smart contracts are automated,
they do not discriminate against any user and are always ready to use.
 Popular examples of smart contracts are lending apps, decentralized
trading exchanges, insurance, crowdfunding apps - basically anything you
can think of.
 mr .Nick szaho
Decentralized APPS (Dapps)
A decentralized application (dapp) is an
application built on a decentralized network
that combines a smart contract and a
frontend user interface. On Ethereum, smart
contracts are accessible and transparent – like
open APIs – so your dapp can even include a
smart contract that someone else has written.

A dapp has its backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer
network. Contrast this with an app where the backend code is running on
centralized servers.
 A dapp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language
(just like an app) to make calls to its backend. Furthermore, its frontend can
get hosted on decentralized storage such as IPFS.
 Decentralized - dapps operate on Ethereum, an open public decentralized
platform where no one person or group has control Deterministic - dapps
perform the same function irrespective of the environment in which they get
executed Turing complete - dapps can perform any action given the required
resources Isolated - dapps are executed in a virtual environment known as
Ethereum Virtual Machine so that if the smart contract has a bug, it won’t
hamper the normal functioning of the blockchain network
Zero downtime – Once the smart contract is deployed on the blockchain, the network as a
whole will always be able to serve clients looking to interact with the contract. Malicious
actors, therefore, cannot launch denial-of-service attacks targeted towards individual
 Privacy – You don’t need to provide real-world identity to deploy or interact with a dapp.
 Resistance to censorship – No single entity on the network can block users from
submitting transactions, deploying dapps, or reading data from the blockchain.
 Complete data integrity – Data stored on the blockchain is immutable and indisputable,
thanks to cryptographic primitives. Malicious actors cannot forge transactions or other
data that has already been made public.
 Trustless computation/verifiable behavior – Smart contracts can be analyzed and are
guaranteed to execute in predictable ways, without the need to trust a central authority.
This is not true in traditional models; for example, when we use online banking systems,
we must trust that financial institutions will not misuse our financial data, tamper with
records, or get hacked.DRAWBACKS OF DAPP DEVELOPMENT.
 Maintenance – Dapps can be harder to maintain because the code and data published to
the blockchain are harder to modify. It’s hard for developers to make updates to their
dapps (or the underlying data stored by a dapp) once they are deployed, even if bugs or
security risks are identified in an old version.
 Performance overhead – There is a huge performance overhead, and scaling is really
hard. To achieve the level of security, integrity, transparency, and reliability that
Ethereum aspires to, every node runs and stores every transaction. On top of this, proof-
of-stake consensus takes time as well. Network congestion – When one dapp uses too
many computational resources, the entire network gets backed up. Currently, the
network can only process about 10-15 transactions per second; if transactions are being
sent in faster than this, the pool of unconfirmed transactions can quickly balloon. User
experience – It may be harder to engineer user-friendly experiences because the average
end-user might find it too difficult to set up a tool stack necessary to interact with the
blockchain in a truly secure fashion.
 Centralization – User-friendly and developer-friendly solutions built on top of the base
layer of Ethereum might end up looking like centralized services anyways. For example,
such services may store keys or other sensitive information server-side, serve a frontend
using a centralized server, or run important business logic on a centralized server before
writing to the blockchain. Centralization eliminates many (if not all) of the advantages
of blockchain over the traditional model.
Example of centralized and Decentralized
Decentralized Apps(Dapps)
centralized Apps Decentralized Apps

Not Trustworthy Trustworthy

Censorship No Censorship

You Pay They pay

Go down Can never go down

Decentralized finance
 DeFi is a collective term for financial products and services that
are accessible to anyone who can use Ethereum – anyone with an
internet connection. With DeFi, the markets are always open
and there are no centralized authorities who can block payments
or deny you access to anything. Services that were previously
slow and at risk of human error are automatic and safer now that
they're handled by code that anyone can inspect and scrutinize.

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