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Differents types of humor

● Physical Or Slapstick Humor

● Self-Deprecating Humor

● Surreal Or Absurd Humor

We will talk ● Improvisation Or Improv

about this types Humor

● Witty Or Dry Humor

of humor: ● Wordplay Humor Or Dad Jokes

● Observational Humor

● Dark Humor
Slapstick Humor
It is a physical kind of humor. This means
someone is using exaggerated or wild body
movements. Usually, there is gags, pranks
and practical jokes involved but it always
has to do with the body, or comedy around
the body behaving oddly. Often times
people are getting hurt, maybe they slip
and fall, maybe something is falling on
them. It can be painful to watch at times
and yet it brings out the laughter in us
Deprecating It is done in a way that makes
Humor everyone laugh rather than feel bad
for them. Self-deprecating humor
makes people feel comfortable
When someone is a master (or
because the person seems real and
really good) at self-deprecating
humble and able to make themselves
humor it means they are good at
vulnerable enough to laugh at
putting themselves down or themselves.
making fun of themselves on
purpose to amuse others.
Surreal or absurd
This is the kind of humor one can
spot in the story (or movie) “Alice in
Wonderland”. It takes the world
and flips it upside down. The result
is so odd and strange that it ends up
being funny – for some!
Improvisation Or Improv Humor
Improv is a form of live theatre where
everything is made up on the spot. It
is quite a difficult thing to pull off
comedy in the moment or on the spot,
but often times that awkwardness is
what makes it funny. It generally
requires a team of actors working
together to build up the comedy.
Saturday Night Live is a show that
relies heavily on improvisational
Witty Or Dry
Humor In fact, the person who uses
dry humor often shows little to
This can often be the most no emotion at all. This is why it
difficult humor to detect. It is an is often called “deadpan”
intelligent kind of humor that is humor. To have a deadpan face
the complete opposite of slapstick is to have an emotionless face.
humor. Witty humor requires The way the person appears to
your mind to be active and be serious is a big part of what
engaged. It may not always be makes it funny.
“laugh out loud” funny.
Wordplay Humor

Wordplay Humor sometimes uses → “puns,

phonetic mix-ups such as spoonerisms,
obscure words and meanings, clever
rhetorical excursions, oddly formed
sentences, double entendres, and telling
character names”
Observational Humor

Observational comedy is a form of humor based

on the commonplace aspects of everyday life. It is
one of the main types of humor in stand-up
comedy. In an observational comedy act, the
comedian makes an observation about something
which is common enough to be familiar to their
audience, but not commonly discussed.
Some people find humor in places
that are dark or unpleasant. A

Dark Humor “dark” topic would be death, for

example. This is the type of humor
most likely to offend others and so it
Example: is best tested on your friends who
love you unconditionally. Have you
Question: Why don’t cannibals ever played the card game “Cards
eat clowns? Against Humanity”? It is a perfect
Answer: Because they taste example of what a dark sense of
funny. humor revels in. Nothing is “off the
table” (not available) when it comes
to this sense of humor.

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