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Types of Media

Test 1
Write down types of media and identify the
appropriate media platform group. (5 each
Print New Media Broadcast
Test 2.

“The media can be influenced by society

and can in turn influence society”
• What is/are your interpretation(s) of the
quote. Explain your answer.
• Cite the different forms of media that
greatly influence youths like you.
Activity 2
1. Identify who is being shown in these
2. What do these two personalities have in
3. What made them so famous?
4. What have they contributed to society?
5. How do these personalities influence the
way the people see themselves and others?
Activity 3
1. Make a drawing/sketch on how different media
is affecting your everyday life.
Activity 4

What do you think are the reactions of

people affected by the news:
• personalities who were in the video
• people who watched and read the news
• media men who featured the article
• Your own personal reactions

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