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Cash is King! But how do we improve it?

Let’s start from cash flow from operations...

There are three broad categories:


Let us break it down into several value drivers.

Each of which we can take actions to influence influence.

First level breakdown:

- Volume
- Price
- Mix
• Second level breakdown:

- Returning customers
- New customers
- Discount schemes
- Products
- Markets

Again these can be broken down into several value drivers.

These are typically more within company control.

Perhaps it's also why finance professionals usually work more on

improving these.
First level breakdown:

- Cost Of Goods Sold

- Sales, General, and Administrative expenses
- Tax would also be included here
Second level breakdown:

- Better deals with suppliers

- Consolidation of suppliers
- Source cheaper parts
- Marketing spend
- White collar workers
- Other overhead such as travel and entertainment

Making a sale doesn't mean you get cash.

Making purchase doesn't mean you have cash outlay.

It's all about working capital management and if done poorly it can kill a business.

If you carry inventory this is usually where the gold is hidden though.

Here are some tips to decrease inventory (as the breakdown below only makes
sense for inventory speaking of cash flow from operations)
• Avoid overstocking
- Increase cycle times
- Decrease your safety stock
- Use bundle pricing strategies
- Discount obsolete inventory to keep it moving
- Create a real-time link to sales to get re-order point right
• As you can see we're in no short supply of findings ways to improve
cash flow!

What are your best strategies for improving cash flow from

#finance #accountingandaccountants #cashflow

‍‍ I'm a partner at Wilsheric Advisory Services

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