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CSS 4451

 Please go through the pieces of electronic mails presented on next slides.

 Identify the errors in them and try to re-word/ re-phrase them. In case required , you can add
necessary details than the given draft.
 Ensure your re-worded/ re-phrased draft is CONCISE .
E-mail example
E-mail example
E-mail example
Skill of Writing E-mails

 Ensure the mail you are drafting manifests your

Thumb rules of writing an e-mail

 Be concise and to the point.

 Use proper structure and layout.
 Answer all the questions. (Anticipate, Empathize, understand)
 Use proper spellings, grammar and punctuation.
 Make it personal.
 Use templates for frequently used responses.
 Answer swiftly.
 Do not attach unnecessary files.
Thumb rules of writing an e-mail

 Do not overuse the High Priority option.

 Do not write in CAPITALS.
 Do not leave the message thread.
 Read before you click Send.
 Do not overuse Reply to All.
 Take care with rich text and HTML.
 Do not forward chain messages.
 Use CC: field carefully.
Are your attachments taken care of ?
Thumb rules of writing an e-mail

 Do not ask to recall a message.

 Identify yourself early in the email correspondence.
 Use a meaningful subject.
 Use appropriate titles to the receivers.
 Use active voice instead of passive.
 Avoid using the adjectives URGENT and IMPORTANT unnecessarily.
 Avoid long sentences.
 Keep your language gender neutral.
Thumb rules of writing an e-mail
 Do not copy a message or attachment without permission.
 Do not email to discuss confidential messages.
 Use appropriate language- think and select your words thoughtfully, use positive
statements, keep negatives minimum, use those words that you would have also shared in
 Write the email when you are calm.
 Allow time for response.
 Take care of abbreviations, emoticons, jargons, slangs.
Frequently used E-mail Abbreviations.

 W.A.P  BO
 KAO  CU
 BTW  G2G
 BBL  JK
Frequently used E-mail Abbreviations.

 W.A.P : Wireless Application Protocol.  CMIIW: correct me if I am wrong.

 ASAP  CU:
 KAO : Kind attention of  CUL8R: see you later.
 FAQ:  FIIOOH: Forget it. I am out of here.
 IMHO: In my humble opinion.  G2G : Got to go.
 BTW  IMO : In my opinion.
 AFK : Away from keyboard.  POV: Point of view
 BBFN: bye bye for now.  JK: Just kidding
 BBL: (I ‘ll) be back later.

 BO : Brain overloaded.
Scripts that should be used wisely

 Shouting email.
 Camel Case/ camel Case/ camel caps/ medial capitals: writing phrases without spaces/ punctuations
UpperCamelCase / PascalCasing : first letter is capitalized.
e.g., YouTube
LowerCamelCase: first letter of the words is small – iPhone, iPad.
 snake__case : style of writing when each space is replaced with an underscore(_)
Alternate caps/ sticky caps:
 Capitalization arbitrary, or varies by some pattern.

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