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Determinants of

Assessment of the Learner
﹡ This initial step in the process
﹡ Assessment of learners’ needs,
validates the need for learning and
readiness, and styles of learning is
the approaches to be used in
the first and most important step in
designing learning experiences.
instructional design—but it is also
the step most likely to be neglected. ﹡ Assessments do more than simply
identify and prioritize information
﹡ .The effectiveness of nursing care
for the purposes of setting
clearly depends on the scope,
behavioral goals and objectives,
accuracy, and comprehensiveness of
planning instructional interventions,
assessment prior to interventions.
and being able to evaluate in the
long run whether the learner has
achieved the desired goals and
Assessment of the learner includes attending to the three
determinants of learning


Readiness Learning
to Learn Styles
Assessing Learning Needs
﹡ Learning needs are ﹡ Of the three determinants
defined as gaps in of learning, nurse
knowledge that exist educators must identify
between a desired level learning needs first so that
of performance and the they can design an
actual level of instructional plan to
performance address any deficits in the
cognitive, affective, or
psychomotor domains.
The following are important steps in the
assessment of learning needs:

1. Identify the learner 2. Choose the right 3. Collect data about

setting. the learner.

4. Collect data from the 5. Involve members of

6. Prioritize needs
learner the healthcare

7. Determine 9. Take time-

8. Assess the demands
availability of management issues
of the organization
educational resources into account.
Methods to Assess
Learning Needs
Informal Conversations
Structured Interviews
Focus Groups
Assessing the Learning Needs
of Nursing Staff
Written Job
Formal and
Chart Audit
Rules and
Readiness to Learn
Readiness to learn can be Readiness to learn occurs
defined as the time when the when the learner is
learner demonstrates an receptive, willing, and able
interest in learning the to participate in the learning
information necessary to process. It is the
maintain optimal health or to responsibility of the
become more skillful in a educator to discover through
job. assessment exactly when
patients or staff are ready to
learn, what they need or
want to learn, and how to
adapt the content to fit each
Four Types of Readiness to Learn
P = Physical E = Emotional E = Experiential K = Knowledge
Readiness Readiness Readiness Readiness

■ Measures of ability ■ Anxiety level ■ Level of aspiration ■ Present knowledge base

■ Complexity of task ■ Support system ■ Past coping mechanisms ■ Cognitive ability
■ Environmental effects ■ Motivation ■ Cultural background ■ Learning disabilities
■ Health status ■ Risk-taking behavior ■ Locus of control ■ Learning styles
■ Gender ■ Frame of mind
■ Developmental stage

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