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Social Psychology

• The study of human nature and its emphasis on

social processes as they affect individual.
• Significance of having a political identity - are
aware of political issues and willing to participate in
the solution.

• Anthropology aims to discover what makes people

and cultures different or diverse.

• Something we need to understand and preserve

Social change

• Twitter
• Tiktok
• Shoppee
• Viber
• Wechat
• A group of individuals involved in a persistent social
• Sharing the same geographical or social territory
• Subject to any political authority
• With dominant cultural expectations
- anthropologists mean when they refer to the concept of "integration"
in regards to cultures
• Different kinds of people should learn to live together in peace.
• The best way to study another culture is by working with a team of
researchers from different academic disciplines.
• Any successful behavior, strategy, or technique for obtaining food and
surviving in a new environment provides a selective advantage in the
competition for survival with other creatures
  living in the same society have similarities, but also have characteristics
• People
and traits that are different from each other.

• Culture changes with time
• Culture is NOT practiced and observed by all living organisms
• Every society has a culture of its own that may be different from other
• What may be considered good etiquette in one culture may be considered
bad etiquette in another
Human Ecology- branch of Sociology

• Society embodies certain characteristics to be what it is.
• Society consists of groups of people who share some
likeness such as being rational, free and bodily.
• Does not only consist of groups of people who share a
likeness with everyone but also need to exhibit some
The most important element of society are the people.

Culture- refers to all that man has made for himself through
time, material or non-material still useful or not anymore,
all to provide benefits for his society
Culture is learned - The different habits, skills, values
and knowledge are acquired or learned in the course of a
person’s life.

First society that established was Horticultural and Pastoral

• Aspects of culture adapts to the current state of society.

• Culture is “that complex whole which includes knowledge,

beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
- Edward B. Tylor

Material and non-material culture

• Post-industrial societies- more advanced societies,
dominated by information, services, and high technology,
• Ethnocentrism- to judge other cultures
• Cultural relativism - Accepting and respecting other people’s
• Cultural option- Cultural relativism teaches us that, marriage
patterns are__________, not objective truth
• culture refers to a particular, learned way of life; Culture is
an attribute of the human species as a whole
• PoliticalScience - refers to a group or community which
shares common experiences that shape the way its members
understand the world.
• Norms- rules or expectations of behavior and thoughts
based on shared beliefs within a
specific cultural or social group.
• Homo Floresiensis- Human species nicknamed “Hobbits.”
• Homo Erectus- first to produce fire
• Homo Sapiens Neandarthalensis- Bone needles
• Homo Sapiens Sapiens- modern humans
• Homo erectus- modern humans below the neck.
• Homo habilis- “handy man”
• Culture- the way we live every day
• Reference groups – bind with common interest (quiz bee,
• Primary groups – family & best friend
• secondary groups- friend & team
• in- group- belongingness with similarities
• Out- group- out-cast with different perspective
• Aggregate- Support for a member ( ex. Manny pacquio &
local artist)
• Industrial Society- a highly organized systems of exchange
between suppliers of raw materials and industrial
• Resocialization- child who grew up in the orphanage was
• Social group- act with each other on the premise of shared
expectations regarding behavior and who share common

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