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What is a
Community is defined as a unified body of

Or people with common interests living in a particular area.

The Johannine community is the earliest
community who were or who are Jewish
Christians who believed that the Christian
faith was continuous with Jewish faith and
were content to live within the context of a
Jewish community.
The Johannine Community
What did the community
How was it formed? experience?
The Johannine Community was However, the community
formed by Christians who gathered experienced expulsion from their
and followed the “Beloved religious home in the synagogue.
Disciple”. This expulsion had a mighty effect
on the Christian community,
producing a trauma of faith of
major proportions.
The Johannine Community
It was amid this crisis that the fourth There appeared some internal
evangelist gathered the traditions of conflicts over the interpretation
the community and interpreted them of the original gospel of john in
to address the needs of the newly general and proper belief and
isolated community, practice in particular.

While the crisis of the expulsion As Christians faced various

from the synagouge had been tensions and challenges the
resolved and the community was gospel of John pendants
an independent christian body.
Jesus praying for unity among his followers
(John 17) and insisting that they love one
another ( John 13: 34-35) (Anderson 2015).

Furthermore, in the Johannine apostles

( 1 John 3:1 1-4: 12; 2 John 1:5)
The new commandment in the gospel became
an old commandment to emphasize the need
for unity and charity among the members of
the Christian community.
Lets answer!
Q1 : It is defined as a unified body of

Q2 : What is the religion of the early

Johannine Christians?

Fill in the blank!

- The first Johannine community was

formed by Christians who gathered and
followed the
Thank you for listening to our
take on the Johannine

Flowers for u
ma’am hehe

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