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1. Air = udara
2. Breathe = bernafas
3. Burn = membakar
4. Dust = debu
5. Haze = kabut
6. Pollution = polusi
7. Smoke = asap
8. Unclean = tidak bersih
9. Wind = angin
10. Campfire = api unggun
11.Clean = bersih
12. Sailboat = perahu layar
13. Factory = pabrik
14. Chest = dada
15. Blowing = bertiup atau meniupkan
16. Air tanks = tabung oksigen atau
tabung udara
17. Diver = penyelam
18. Vehicles = kendaraan
19. Fuel = bahan bakar atau bensin
20. Gases = berasap
1. Air is all around us.
2. All living things need air to breathe.
3. It is very important in our lives.
4. We cannot see the air but we can feel the air when it moves.
5. Air can give shape to things as it occupies space.
6. When you blow air into the balloon or tire the air takes up the
space inside it and it gives the balloon and tire its original
7. Air has weight too.
8. Wind is moving air.
9. A gentle wind is called breeze.
10.Wind also helps in carrying pollens and light seeds of flowers
and fruits to different places this is how new plants grow.
11. We can also use the energy of wind to produce electricity
with the help of windmills.
12. Wind blowing strongly with a lot of force is called storm.
13. Storms can sometimes uproot trees and caused a lot of
14. The best way to have clean air :
a. plant more trees
b. stop burning garbage
c. smoke from factories should be controlled
d. vehicle owners should make sure that their vehicles are
checked for pollution regularly
e. garbage should be kept in covered dust bins
f. when cough or sneeze we should cover our mouths with
a handkerchief this will prevent the germs from
spreading in the air.
Choose the right answer !
1. We use air to . . . a kite.
a. fly b. drive c. walk

2. Air is . . . for plants to survive.

a. bad b. important c. worst

3. We use air to . . . .
a. brain b. bread c. breathe

4. Moving air is called . . . .

a. wind b. wink c. wild

5. Wind helps to spread the . . . of plants.

a. germs b. seeds c. poison

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