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What appears to your mind when you hear the

word Promotions?
What is the correct interpretation of these

What do you think caused her to interpret the

signs incorrectly?
It is important that in Marketing, the right
message is conveyed to
the right people at the right timing. This is the
challenge for businesses on
how they should learn to communicate to the
customers about what they
offer and how strategically these messages will be
received by the
customers that will eventually end up as sales.
Promotions Defined
 “Activities that communicate the product or service and its merits
to target customers and persuade them to buy.” (Kotler et al., 2005
 From the definition itself, it is clear how Marketing should create
activities that focuses on its product/service, and make sure that
these activities are conveyed to the customers with the end goal in
mind of persuading them to purchase. This is why in this portion;
we will review the following steps in developing effective
communication through promotions.
Promotions Defined
 1. Identifying the target audience

The target audience will heavily affect the communicator’s

decisions on what will be said, how it will be said, when it will be
said, where it will be said and who will say it.
Promotions Defined
 2. Determining the communication objectives
Promotions Defined
6 Stages of Buyer Readiness – YouTube
Promotions Defined
 3. Designing a Message
Once the desired audience response is clear, the communicator
then begins developing an effective message.
3.1. Message Content
The communicator has to create out an appeal or theme that will
produce the desired response. There are three types of appeal: rational,
emotional and moral.
Promotions Defined
 3 Types of Appeal (Message Content)
Rational Appeal- focus on self-interest by highlighting product’s
quality, economy, performance or value.
Promotions Defined
Promotions Defined
 3 Types of Appeal (Message Content)
Emotional Appeal- the goal is to stir up or encourage emotions to
purchase the product. Emotions such as love, pride, joy, success and
others. In can be negative emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, etc.
Promotions Defined
 3 Types of Appeal (Message Content)
Moral Appeal- in support of social causes that is aimed to the
audience’s sense of what is ‘right’ and ‘proper’.
Promotions Defined
3.2. Message Structure
The communicator must decide how to say the message. This
requires the communicator to handle three message-structure issues.
1st: draw a conclusion or to leave it to the audience.
2nd: present a one-sided argument or a two-sided argument
3rd: whether to present the strongest arguments first or last.
Promotions Defined
3.3. Message Format
In a print ad, the communicator has to decide on the headline, copy,
illustration and color. To attract attention, advertisers can use novelty
and contrast, eye-catching pictures and headlines, distinctive formats,
message size and position, and color, shape and movement. If the
message is to be carried over the radio, the communicator has to choose
words, sounds and voices. The ‘sound’ of an announcer promoting
banking services should be different from one promoting quality
Promotions Defined
 4. Choosing Media
There are two communication channels that you may use for
4.1. Personal communication channels
This channel has two or more people communicating directly with
each other. They are most likely communicating face to face, over the
telephone or mobile phone, through the mail or even through an
Internet ‘chat’. (Ex. Word-of-mouth influence and Buzz
Promotions Defined
4.2. Non-Personal communication channels.
They include major media platforms and special events. Non-
personal communication media’s examples are print media
(newspapers, magazines, direct mail), broadcast media (radio,
television), display media (billboards, signs, posters) and online
and electronic media (online services, websites, CDs, DVDs).
Promotions Defined
 5. Selecting the message source
A message source reflects a specific person, a brand, a company
that represents the product. Messages delivered by attractive or popular
resources achieve higher attention and recall, which is advertisers often
use celebrities as spokespersons. Messages delivered by highly
credible sources are more persuasive.
Promotions Defined
 6. Establish the Promotional Mix
1. Advertising
2. Sales Promotions
3. Public Relations
4. Direct Marketing

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