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Cross Hatching and Chiaroscuro

SMN, and Santa Trinita

Santa Croce


Giotto-Arena Chapel

Holy Trinity, Details

Perspective in Holy Trinity

Masaccio-Holy Trinity

Masaccio-Brancacci Chapel

Masaccio-Expulsion of Adam and Eve

Masaccio-Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel

Ghirlandaio-Sasseti Chapel, Santa Trinita

Sassetti Chapel details

Ghirlandaio-Adoration of the Shepherds Triptych

Ghirlandaio-Tournabuoni Chapel, Santa Maria Novella

Ghirlandaio-Marriage of the Virgin

Ghirlandaio-Massacre of the Innocents



Botticelli-Birth of Venus

Botticelli-Birth of Venus-details

Raphael-School of Athens

School of Athens-details

Raphael, Putti and Cowper Madonna

Leonardo Virgin of the Rocks

Leonardo Da Vinci-Last Supper

Last Supper Details

Leonardo Virgin and the Saints

Leonardo-Mona Lisa

Leonardo-Details of Mona Lisa, 1 and 2-chiaroscuro, 3-sfumato

Leonardo drawings-Vitruvian Man and Anatomy Study


Michelangelo-Donni Tondo

Michelangelo-Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel-Creation of Adam

Sistine Chapel-Last Judgment

Sistine Chapel-Libyan Sybil

Fra Filippo Lippi-Annunciation

Fra Filippo Lippi-Madonna and Child

Fra Angelico-Last Judgement

Mantegna-Camera Degli Spozi

Piera Della Francesca

Gentile da Fabriano-Adoration of the Magi

Giorgone-The Tempest

Titian-The Pastoral Concert

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