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Presented by
Aviram MBA 3rd Semester
Vijay MBA 3rd Semester
 What is Audience Analysis?
 Why is audience analysis important?
 How to know your audience?
 How to deal with them?
 Where does your data come from?
 Making your data work for you: Actionable
What is Audience Analysis?
 Audience analysis is the research of demographics,
language, location, preferences, interests, and other
metrics within a group. It is then analyzed to provide
useful and actionable consumer insights for a brand in
the form of buyer personas.
Why is audience analysis

 Cut your costs

 Beat The competition

 Don’t bore your customers

How to know your audience?
 Targeting audiences comes with a catalog of options
for how to go about it and where to set your focus. This
is where a somewhat new idea comes in: known and
unknown audiences. Making the distinction between
these can help you be more effective across the funnel
and collect the right data to help you cut costs and
improve targeting.
How to deal with them
 Cost-efficiency in the funnel

 Improving on convention
Where does your data come from?
 Google Analytics and in-market segments
 Affinities

 Facebook Insights
 Instagram Insights
Making your data work for you:
Actionable insights
 You’ll lower your targeting costs significantly.
 You'll improve ROI by converting easier and faster.
 You'll be able to dive into influencer marketing with
 You'll know what content to produce and save money.
 You’ll be able to distinguish between those who are ready
to buy, and those who may need more time or awareness
of your brand. All of which will help you organically,
improve your SEO, and help to reduce your costs.

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