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Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:

Value Proposition Canvas Startup Name Name1, Name2, … DD/MM/YYYY X.Y

Gain Creators Gains

Describe the outcomes customers

Describe how products and services
want to achieve or the concrete
create customer gains.
benefits they are seeking.
Products and


Describe what customers

List the Products and

are trying to get done in
Services your value
their work and in their
proposition is built
lives, as expressed in
their own words.

Describe how your products and Describe bad outcomes, risks and
services alleviate customer pains obstacles related to customer jobs.

Pain Relievers Pains

Value Proposition Name your product or service Customer Segment Name your ideal customer
Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:

Value Proposition Canvas

Gain Creators Gains

Products and


Temor a que se le infecten las heridas
No puede trabajar en un tiempo mas o menos largo
Ojer Pharma ha desarrollado una innovadora Las tareas cotidianas son difíciles de realizar por miedo
tecnología de vehiculización en forma de a la remocion de la pomada
geles transparentes bioadhesivos, que actúa Miedo a que la eficacia del tratamiento no sea la que
como matriz de liberación sostenida de espera debido a que la aplicación se elimina fácilmente
activos dermatológicos (lipófilos e Miedo a la alergia que los apósitos le provocaron al
hidrófilos) ultima vez.

Pain Relievers Pains

Value Proposition GAMA DE PRODUCTOS DERMATUL Customer Segment

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