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Problem ?

 Exchange rates can have a significant impact on global trade, investment,

and economic growth.
 By analyzing exchange rate data, we can better understand the factors that
influence exchange rates and make informed decisions about investments and
 The problem we're trying to solve is to identify the variables that have the
most significant impact on exchange rates and to use this information to
predict future exchange rates.
 Public debt: This refers to the total amount of debt owed by the government
of Pakistan to its creditors. A high level of public debt can signal to investors
that a country is at risk of defaulting on its loans, which can lead to a
decrease in the value of its currency.
 Inflation rate: This measures the rate at which the general level of prices for
goods and services is rising in an economy. High inflation rates can lead to a
decrease in the value of a country's currency as it becomes less attractive to
foreign investors.
 Interest rate: This is the rate at which the central bank of Pakistan lends
money to commercial banks. Higher interest rates can make a country's
currency more attractive to foreign investors, as they can earn a higher
return on their investments.
 Balance of payments: This is the difference between a country's exports and
imports of goods and services, as well as other financial transactions with
other countries. A deficit in the balance of payments can lead to a decrease
in the value of a country's currency, as it indicates that more money is
flowing out of the country than is coming in.
 Current account deficit: This is a specific component of the balance of
payments that measures the difference between a country's exports and
imports of goods and services. A current account deficit can lead to a
decrease in the value of a country's currency as it signals that the country is
relying on foreign capital to fund its consumption.
 Changes in economic growth, political stability, and global economic conditions
can all impact the exchange rate of Pakistan.
Regression ?
 A statistical method used to analyze the relationship between a dependent
variable and one or more independent variables. The goal of regression analysis is
to understand how the independent variables are related to the dependent
variable and to create a model that can predict the value of the dependent
variable based on the values of the independent variables.
 It is a powerful tool for understanding how different factors are related to a
particular outcome and for predicting future outcomes based on historical data.
 R-squared value: (Coefficient Of Determination)The R-squared value is a
statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variation in the
dependent variable . a higher value indicating a better fit between the
independent variables and the dependent variable.
 Coefficients: In a regression, coefficients represent the size and direction of
the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent
A positive coefficient indicates a positive relationship (i.e., as the independent
variable increases.
 Significance levels: The significance level (also known as the p-value) is a
measure of how confident we can be that the relationship between each
independent variable and the dependent variable is not due to chance. If the
p-value for an independent variable is less than 0.05, we can conclude that the
relationship between that variable and the dependent variable is statistically
 DATA:-
“2002 – 2022(Pakistan)”
 Will be using multiple regression analysis to determine the
relationship between exchange rates and other variables.
 The model will include variables such as inflation, interest rates, and
GDP , Public Debt , Balance of payments.
Thank You

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