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Leadership Assignment

Improve your listening skills

Listening is one of those skills many people think they already have until
they learn how to actually do it. Great listeners are trained to understand
the message behind the words. They use open-ended questions to gain a
deeper insight into what’s being said by inviting the speaker to phrase
their argument from different vantage points.
Setting yourself a goal of becoming a better and more curious leader can
make you more approachable to your teams. Learning how to listen can
also involve practical changes such as having an open-door policy and
setting specific hours where you’re available to any employee who wants
to speak with you on any topic.
• . Build relationships
• Try to foster stronger relationships with the people you work with. The
potential benefits of this should be obvious enough. An open and honest
line of communication between employees and leaders means building a
shared knowledge base and gaining invaluable insight, which leads to
more streamlined cooperation and better business outcomes.
• Creating those relationships is the challenge, and it takes time. Pursuing
this as a leadership goal could mean encouraging shared activities,
involving employees in the decision-making process, or simply having
regular one-on-one meetings with colleagues

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