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Capital Punishment

Pelayo Mapelli Oliva

  Capital punishment
The death penalty, also referred to as capital punishment and formerly
known as judicial homicide, is the state-sanctioned practice of
purposefully killing a person as retaliation for a real or fictitious crime,
typically after a legal, procedure-governed investigation to determine
that the person is accountable for violating standards that call for such
What countries still
allow the capital
As of 2022, 55 countries retain
capital punishment, Although the
majority of nations have abolished
capital punishment, over 60% of the
world's population live in countries
where the death penalty is retained,
such as China, India, the United
States, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakista
n, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Iran, Japan, and Taiwan.orld'
s population still lives in nations that
still practice the death penalty,
including China, India, the United
States, Singapore, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, and
Taiwan, despite the fact that the
majority of countries have abolished
the death penalty.
Methods used for
Methods used around the world for
execution include:
-  Hanging
-  Shooting,
-  Beheading, 
- Stoning, 
- Crucifixion,
-  Gas asphyxiation
-  Electrocution 
- Lethal injection.
-  Some countries still carry out
public executions.
Arguments for
• Retribution.
• Deterrence.
• Rehabilitation.
• Prevention of re-offending.
• Closure and vindication.
• Incentive to help police.
• A Japanese argument.
Arguments against
capital punishment

• Capital punishment is cruel

and unusual. ...
• Capital punishment denies due
process of law. ...
• The death penalty violates the
constitutional guarantee of
equal protection. ...
• The death penalty is not a
viable form of crime control. ...
• Capital punishment wastes
limited resources.
Convicted and sentenced to death for the fatal
shooting of a state police officer who was serving a
‘no-knock’ warrant on his house for suspicion of
drug activity. Death sentence reversed by the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on January
19, 2021 for ineffective assistance of counsel in the
penalty phase of trial. Awaiting determination of
whether federal prosecutors will pursue a capital
Alfonso Rodriguez
Convicted and sentenced to death for a
kidnapping resulting in the death of a
college student. Death
sentence reversed by the U.S. District
Court for the District of North Dakota on
September 3, 2021 for ineffective
assistance of counsel in the penalty phase
of trial.
My point of view
My point of view is that capital punishment is a good punishment for a
person who killed someone but, sometimes it can't be fair because the
policeman who has to kill the prisoner also killed someone. 

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