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Rocks and Soils

Let’s read the tongue twister.

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What does a skeleton tell you?

• What can we tell about this creature from its skeleton?

• (The scale tells us how big it was, we can see it had four limbs and
appears to use them all to walk, it has sharp canine teeth so it probably
was a meat eater not a herbivore etc.)
•  What could we not tell from the bones? 
• (Colour, that it had spines, how it sounded, etc.) 

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What do you know about soils?

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Different Types of Soils

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Place a sample of soil in a transparent jar with a lid.
Half fill the jar with soil and top with water leaving about 2 cm
clear at the top.
Stir and leave the contents to settle.
Each soil is different and we can start to look at the differences
by making a ʻsoil fingerprintʼ, a profile that is unique to soil in a
particular area, just as our fingerprints are unique.

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Soil Record
Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3



Particle type

Particle size

Plant matter

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Investigate it.

From what they have learned so far, which of their

own samples do they think would have the best
drainage and why?


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