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HTML Basic Tags

 It is important to use headings to show the document structure.

 HTML has six levels of headings: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>,
and <h6>.

 <h1> headings should be used for main headings and has the
largest font-size, followed by <h2> headings, then the less
important headings <h3>, and so on.

 While displaying any heading, browser adds one line before and
one line after that heading, and occupies the full screen width.

Heading tags
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Heading Example</title>
<h1>Hello GEHU </h1>
<h2>Hello GEHU </h2>
<h3>Hello GEHU </h3>
<h4>Hello GEHU </h4>
<h5>Hello GEHU </h5>
<h6>Hello GEHU </h6>

 Each HTML heading has a default size. However, you can specify
the size for any heading with the style attribute, using the CSS
font-size property:

 Attributes are the additional information about the HTML

elements(HTML tags).

 Attributes are written inside the opening tag of the element being
used, as shown below:
<tagname style="property:value;"> Content </tagname>

 The property is a CSS property like font-size. The value is a CSS

value like 60 px.

Bigger Headings
<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1 style="font-size:60px;">Heading 1</h1>

<p>You can change the size of a heading with the style attribute, using the
font-size property.</p>


Paragraph Tag: The <p> tag offers a way to structure
your text into different paragraphs. Each paragraph
of text should go in between an opening <p> and a
closing </p> tag as shown below in the example:

Note: While displaying any paragraph, browser adds

one line before and one line after that paragraph and
occupies the full screen width.

HTML Paragraphs
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Paragraph Example</title>
<p style="color: blue">Here is a first paragraph of text.</p>

<h2 style="color: red">Here is the heading of the second paragraph.</h2>
<p style="color: red">Here is the main text of the second paragraph.</p>

<p style="color: green">Here is a third paragraph of text.</p>

 You cannot be sure how HTML will be displayed.
 Large or small screens, and resized windows will
create different results.
 With HTML, you cannot change the output by
adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML
 The browser will remove any extra spaces and extra
lines when the page is displayed:

HTML Display
The <pre> tag defines preformatted text.
Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier New), and it preserves
both spaces and line breaks.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Text in a pre element
is displayed in a fixed-width
font, and it preserves
both spaces and
line breaks


Preserve Formatting
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