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Lesson 4 – Advanced Techniques using Microsoft Word

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Create a main document, a data source; and
2. Link the main document with the data source.
3. Insert pictures, clipart, shapes, SmartArt, charts and screen clippings;
4. Format pictures, clip art, shapes SmartArt, charts, and screen clippings;
5. Discuss the concept of Mail Merge;
Mail merging basically requires two components
Mail Merge

 This feature of Microsoft Word allows you to create documents

and combine them with another document or data file. It is
commonly used when sending out advertising materials to
various recipients. The simplest solution for the previous
scenario is to create a document and just copy and paste it
several times then just replace the details depending on whom
you send it to. But what if you have hundreds or thousands of
recipients? Would not that take too many hours? What if you
have a small database on information where you can
automatically generate those letters?
Kinds of Material

There are various kinds of materials Microsoft Word is capable of integrating to make
your documents richer, more impressive, and more informative.
1. Pictures – these are electronic, “soft copy”, or digital pictures you have saved in
any local storage device. Three common types of picture files:
a. .JPG – pronounced as “jay-peg”. Short term for Joint Photographic Experts
Group. This type of image file can support 16.7 million colors. Suitable for use when
working with full color photographic images.
b. .GIF – This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image file is
capable of displaying transparencies and animation. It only supports Only supports 256
c. .PNG – It stands for Portable Network Graphics. It is capable of displaying
transparencies but not animation. It supports only 16 million colors.
2. Clipart - This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic
representation for ideas and objects that you might want to integrate in your document.
3. Shapes - These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your
document to enhance its appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for
composing and representing ideas or messages.
4. SmartArt - Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together
to form ideas that are organizational or structural in nature.
5. Chart - Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that
allows you to represent data characteristics and trends.
6. Screenshots - Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or
procedure will require the integration of a more realistic image of what you are
discussing on your report or manual.
Lesson 5 – Advanced Techniques using Microsoft Excel

 After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. describe Microsoft Excel functions;
2. use selected functions of Microsoft Excel functions in
problem solving; and
3. value the importance of using Microsoft Excel.
What is a spreadsheet?
What is a spreadsheet?
Commonly Used Excel Functions

 SUM – Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.

 COUNT - Counts the number of cells that contain number
 MIN - Returns the smallest number in a set of values.
 MAX - Returns the largest value in a set of values.
 AVERAGE - Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments
 SUMIF – Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria. SUMIF function has
the following syntax: SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)
 Range - The range of cells that you want to evaluate based on a
given criteria.
 Criteria – It determines which cells will be added.
 Sum_Range – These are the cells containing numeric values and the
cells to add if the condition is met.
 AVERAGEIF - Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria.
AVERAGEIF function has the following syntax: AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average_range)
 Range - The range of cells that you want to apply the criteria.
 Criteria – It determines which cells to average.
 Average_Range – These are the cells containing numeric values and the actual set of
cells to average.
COUNTIF - Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion that
you specify. COUNTIF function has the following syntax: COUNTIF(range, criteria)
Range – The range of cells to count.
Criteria – The criteria that determines which cells to be counted.
Lesson 6 – Advanced Techniques using Microsoft PowerPoint

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1.describe terms, views, and functions of Microsoft PowerPoint;
2. discuss the tips on how to make effective presentations;
3. discuss how to add animation in a presentation; and
4. explain the use of hyperlinks in a presentation.
Microsoft Office Powerpoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software that

helps you produce an effective presentation in the form of on-
screen slides. It provides hyperlinks and several animation styles
such as Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and Motion Paths. Animation
and hyperlinks are great tools in making a presentation more
Terms, Views and Functions in Microsoft PowerPoint

 Slide - is a single page of a presentation collectively, a group of slides may be known

as a slide deck. The shortcut key to insert a new slide is Ctrl+M
 Design Templates – are pre-designed graphic styles that you can apply to your slides.
 Slide Show Button - a collection of pages arranged in sequence that contain text and
images for presenting to an audience. You may press F5 if you want to start your
presentation from the beginning of the slides or you may click the slide show button
to display the current slide in the presentation.
 Animation - is a set of effects which can be applied to text or graphics within a slide.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
 Transitions - are motion effects that when in Slide Show view add movement to your
slides as you advance from one slide to another.
Tips in Creating an Effective Presentation

1. Minimize - Keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep
the audience attentive
2. 2. Clarity - Use a font style that is easy to read
3. 3. Simplicity - Use bullets or short sentences
4. 4. Visuals - Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract
the audience
5. 5. Consistency - Make your design uniform
6. 6. Contrast - Use light font on dark background or vice versa
M7 :Imaging and Design for the Online Environment (Part I)

Computer graphics
Computer graphics - are visual representations of data made on a computer and is
displayed on a computer screen or monitor. They can be a single image or series of
images called video. They can be anything on computers such as photographs,
drawings or movies that does not involve sound.
Layout is the arrangement of graphic elements on a page. An effective graphics and
layout contribute to the efficiency of website. Hence, you must begin learning the basic
principles of graphics and layout before creating your own graphic design which you
can integrate on the online environment
Principles of Graphics and Layout

Information graphics or infographics are used to represent information, statistical data,

or knowledge in a graphical manner usually done in a creative way to attract the
viewer’s attention. Infographics make complex data become more visually appealing to
an average user.
Image File Formats
1. JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is the most popular image format used
on the web. JPEG are very ‘lossy’ files where much of the information about the
image is lost from original state to keep the image file size small. JPEG files are
used mostly by photographers, artists, graphic designers, medical imaging
specialists, art historians, and other groups because image quality and color fidelity
is important in the field.
2. 2. GIF – Graphics Interchange Format. It is limited to the 8-bit palette with only 256
colors. GIF is best used for diagrams, cartoons, and logos which use few colors and
is the chosen format for animation effects.
3. PNG – Portable Network Graphic. This file format is best with line art, text, and logo. It
is capable to display transparencies.
4. TIFF – Tagged Image File Format. It is considered as a high-quality image format,
where all color and data information are stored. However, it produces a very large file
size and take huge disk consumption.
Principles and Basic Techniques of Image
Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

1. Cropping – It is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image, focusing only

on the subject. When cropping, one must always follow the Rule of Thirds to
organize the image composition.
2. Color Balance – In any image manipulating program, this command will allow you to
make changes in the mixture of colors in an image.
3. Adjusting Brightness and Contrast – This command is the most basic technique
when adjusting the image tone (highlights, shadows, and midtones).
4. Compression and Resizing – Compressing and Resizing an image is an important
aspect in image manipulation. Images to be uploaded on the web must be pf the
standard resolution of 72 dpi (dots per inch) to maintain its image file size of 30-50
KB. If the image is for printing, set the maximum resolution to 300 dpi at set its
physical printing size in inches.
Color Blending – Use the different special effects buttons available in the different image
editing software. You can combine colors and commands that will give you a more
dynamic image result.
Combining Multiple Images – Compositions must be planned and conceptualized first so
that you will be able to render the best image and message possible.
Online Graphics Software

Choose one of the following topics and create a poster and an

 Fact checking
 AITF Restriction
 Online Education
 Proper hand washing
 Netiquette*
Rubric for Poster

Attractiveness - 20pts. Originality -

Grammar - 10 pts.
Required Elements - 10 pts.
Rubric for Infographics
 Web tool : Canva (
 Photo editing software or applications
 Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr
 Computer
 Smartphone

Photo Credit :

 The selected digital graphic must be

uploaded and shared on our
Facebook group.
 The digital poster must focus on the
product or service and not attack or
mentioned personalities. Use of foul
words are not allowed.
Photo Credit:

Cite credit for

borrowed materials
(i.e. image, design,

Photo Credit:

You can use free stock

photo websites like when you
want to use generic
photos in your poster.
Photo Credit:

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