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Word Problem of Linear Inequality

C H A P T E R 4 P A R T 3
B.5.3 Peserta didik mampu menyatakan suatu
masalah menggunakan pertidaksamaan linear

GOALs satu variabel melalui latihan soal cerita yang

berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. 
Write an inequation for each of the following problems, then solve it.

1. Three times a number is always smaller than nine. What could the
number be?

2. Four less than twice a number is greater than twelve. What values
could the number take?

3. When four times a number is subtracted from one hundred the answer
must be less than twenty five. What is the smallest integer that
satisfies this condition?

Write an inequation for each of the following problems, then solve it.

4. Donella has scored 94 points in the last six basketball games. If

she earns two points per basket, how many baskets must she
shoot in the next six games for her average points per game to be
greater than 16?

5. 7 is less than 4 less than a number. What could the number?

6. Jacky sells ice creams at the football. If she gets 25 cents for each
ice cream she sells, how many must she sell to have at least $20,
after she has given her brother Aaron the $5.40 she owed him?

7. The perimeter of rectangle is not more than 90 cm long. If its length

is P and its width is (P – 5) cm, find:​

a. The inequality that gives the perimeter of the rectangle​
b. The length and width of the rectangle​

8. A rectangle is (2w + 5) meters long and (2w– 1) meters wide. If the

perimeter is not more 32 meters long, find:

a. Form inequality in w and then solve it​
b. Find the length and width of the rectangle


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