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-When the diplomats formed the United Nations in 1945,

they also decided thecreation of a health or ganization. It
then formed the World Health Organization (WHO).
-It was establised on April 7,1948. Since then,Apri 7 is
commemorated as World Health Day.
-The headquarters is in Geneva Switzerland .It has 147
country offices and 6 regional offices.The Philippines is a
member of the Western Pacific Region.The country office is in
 Provides leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where

joint action is needed.

 Shaping there search agenda stimulating the generation, translation, and

disseminating valuable knowledge.

 Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation.

 Articulating ethica land evidence-based policy options.

 Providing technica lsupport, catalyzing change and building sustainable in stitutional


On September 6-8, 2000, world leaders who attended in the UN General

assembly participated in the Millennium Summit. Are solution was crafted
during that momentous event and it was entitled, United Nations Millennium
Declaration. Collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human
dignity,equality and equity in the global level was emphasized.

The declaration expressedthe commitment of 191 member states,with

the inclusion of the Philippines: to reduce extreme poverty and
achieve seven other targets called Millennium Development
Goals(MDGs) by year 2015

TARGET 1A: Halve, behween 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people living on less than
$1.25 a day
• Poverty gap ratio [incidence x depth of poverty)
• Share & poorest quintile in national consumption

TARGET 1B: Achieve Decent Employment for Women. Men. and Young People
• GDP Growth per Employed Person
• Empbyment Rate
• Proportion of employed population below S1.25 per day (PPP values)
• Proportion of lamily-bas. workers in employed population

TARGET 1C: Halve. between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from
• Prevalence of underweight children under five years of age
• Proportion of population &Row minimum level of .tary energy consumption

TARGET 2A: By 2015, all children can complete a full course of primary schooling, girls and boys
Enrollment in primary education
• Completion of primary education

TARGET 3A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and

secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels
by 2015 Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and
tertiary education

• Share of women in wage employment in the non-

agricultural sector
• Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament

TARGET 4A: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality
rateUnder-five mortalit), rate

• Infant (under 1) mortality rate

• Proportion of 1-year-old children immunized against measles.

Target 5A: Reduce by three quarters, be.een 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
• Maternal modality ratio
• Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

Target 5B: Achieve, by 2015, universal access to roductive health

• Contraceptive Prevalence rate
• Adolescent birth rate
• Antenatal care coverage
• Unmet need for family planning
Target 6A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
• HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years
• Condom use at last high-risk sex
• proportion of population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of

Target 6B: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment tor HIV/AIDS For all those who
have it
• proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to anti-retroviral drugs

TARGET 6C: have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other
major diseases.
• Prevalence and death rates associated with malaria.
• Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bednets
• Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate anti-malaria
• Incidence. prevalence and death rates iassociated with tuberculosis
• proportion of tuberculosis cases defected and cured under DOTS (Ddirectly observed
treatment shortcourses.
TARGET 7A: IIntergrate the principles of sustanable development Into country policies and programs:

TARGET 7B:reduced Biodiversity loss, achieving by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss.
• proportion of land area covered by forest
• CO emissions,total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)
• Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
• Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits
• Proportion of total water resources used
• Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected
• Proportion of species threatened with extinction

Target 7C: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic sanitation
• Proportion of population with sustainable access to an improved water source, urban and rural
• Proportion of urban population with access to improved sanitation

Target 7D: By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million
• Proportion of urban population living in slums
Target 8A: Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and
financial system
• Includes a commitment to good governance, development, and poverty reduction - both nationally and

Target 8B: Address the Special Needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
• Includes: tariff and quota-free access for LDC exports; enhanced programme of debt relief for HIPC and
cancellation of official bilateral debt; and more generous ODA (Official Development Assistance) for countries
committed to poverty reduction

Target 8C: Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
• Through the Programme of Action for the sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the
outcome of the twenty-second special session of the General Assembly

Target 8D: Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and
international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the longterm

• Some of the indicators listed below are monitored separately for the least developed countries (LDCs), Africa,
landlocked developing countries and small island developing States.
• Official development assistance (ODA):
 Net ODA, total and to LDCs, as percentage of OECD/DAC donors' GNI
 Proportion of total sector-allocable ODA of OECD/DAC donors to basic social services (basic education,
primary health care, nutrition, safe water and sanitation)
 Proportion of bilateral ODA of OECD/DAC donors that is untied
 ODA received in landlocked countries as proportion of their GNIS
 ODA received in small island developing States as proportion of their GNIS

Market access:

 Proportion of total developed country imports (by value and excluding arms) from developing countries and
from LDCs, admitted free of duty
 Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products and textiles and clothing from
developing countries
 Agricultural support estimate for OECD countries as percentage of their GDP
 Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity

• Debt sustainability:
 . Total number of countries that have reach
• of population with access to affordable essential drugs on a sustainable basis

When the MDG ended in 2015, the Sustainable Development

Goals were crafted. The Sustainable Development Goals are
the blueprint toachieve a better andmore sustainable future
for all. They address the global challenges we face, including
those related to poverty, inequality, climate change,
environmental degradation, peace andjustice. The 17 Goals
are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind,it
is important that we achieve them all by 2030.
1.No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. This goal focuses on eradicating extreme poverty and ensuring
access to basic services, education, and economic opportunities for all.
2.Zero Hunger: Achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. This goal aims to eliminate
hunger by increasing agricultural productivity, supporting small-scale farmers, and improving access to nutritious food.
3.Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This goal targets reducing
maternal and child mortality, combating major diseases, and providing universal access to healthcare services.
4.Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
This goal emphasizes providing free and quality primary and secondary education, as well as promoting vocational training
and access to higher education.
5.Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. This goal aims to eliminate gender-based
discrimination, violence, and harmful practices, while promoting equal opportunities and leadership roles for women.
6.Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This goal
focuses on providing access to clean water, improving sanitation facilities, and addressing water scarcity and pollution.
7.Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. This goal
promotes renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and expanding access to electricity in developing countries.
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment, and decent work for all. This goal emphasizes creating job opportunities, supporting
entrepreneurship, and ensuring fair and safe working conditions.
9.Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization,
and foster innovation. This goal focuses on improving infrastructure, fostering technological innovation, and promoting
sustainable industrial practices.
10.Reduced Inequalities: Reduce inequality within and among countries. This goal aims to address income inequality,
social discrimination, and disparities in access to services, with a focus on vulnerable groups.
11.Sustainable Cities and Communities: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and
sustainable. This goal promotes sustainable urban planning, access to affordable housing, and enhancing resilience to
climate change and natural disasters.
12.Responsible Consumption and Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This goal
calls for reducing waste generation, promoting sustainable practices in industries, and raising awareness about the
efficient use of resources.
13.Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This goal emphasizes reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, increasing resilience to climate-related hazards, and promoting sustainable practices.
14.Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources. This goal focuses on
protecting marine ecosystems, reducing marine pollution, and promoting sustainable fisheries.
15.Life on Land: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage
forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. This goal aims to
preserve biodiversity, protect endangered species, and promote sustainable land management practices.
16.Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all,
and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. This goal addresses issues of governance, rule
of law, and promoting peaceful and inclusive societies.
17.Partnerships for the Goals: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development. This goal emphasizes

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