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 Describe in what you see in the diagram.

The digestive process is occurring. In

order for organisms to live and
function they require energy. Eating
and digesting food provides the body
with chemical energy in the form of
You are what you eat!
 Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid
 essential organic molecules,
which are involved in the
maintenance and metabolic
processes of living organisms.

 wide range of sizes and structures

 perform a vast array of functions

Types of Biomolecules
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the major
source of energy for the
body. Carbohydrates are
defined as organic
substances having C, H and
O with a general formula of
Cn (H₂O)n .
 1. Most abundant source of energy (4 cal/g)
 2. Precursors for many organic compounds (fats, amino acids)
 3. Present as glycoproteins and glycolipids in the cell membrane and
functions such as growth and fertilization.
 4. Present as structural components like cellulose in plants, exoskeleton
of some insects, cell wall of microorganisms.
 5. Storage form of energy (glycogen) to meet the energy demands of
the body.
Carbohydrates aka…


 carbohydrate compounds having just one carbohydrate molecule thus it
cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller units.
 known as the simplest sugar and the basic subunit of a carbohydrate.
 These are the only sugars that can be absorbed and utilized by the body.
 These compounds are white solids at room temperature and tastes sweet.
 They are also very soluble in water because they have polar, hydroxyl(-
OH) groups in their molecular structures and have molecular formulas
that are usually multiples of CH₂O.
GLUCOSE (Dextrose or
Grape Sugar)
 This monosaccharide is the most important
carbohydrate in human nutrition because it is the one
that the body fuses directly to supply its energy needs.
 Glucose is formed from the hydrolysis of di- and
polysaccharides, including starch, dextrin, maltose,
sucrose and lactose; from the monosaccharide fructose
largely during absorption; and from both fructose and
galactose in the liver during metabolism.
 carbohydrate found in the bloodstream, and it provides
an immediate source of energy for the body’s cells and
 formed when stored body carbohydrate (glycogen) is
broken down for use.

It is very important to have a steady supply of glucose in the blood to maintain body
functions. As what they say, too much or too little of anything may lead to some diseases.
When too much glucose is in the blood, the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin
which stimulates cells in the liver, muscles and fat to absorb glucose and transform it into
glycogen or fats, which can be stored for a period of time. When blood glucose drops, the
pancreas secretes glucagon, which causes the liver, muscles and fat to convert glycogen
back to glucose.
 In the plant world, glucose is widely distributed. It is
found in all plants and in the sap of trees.
 Fruits and vegetables are wholesome food sources of
 It is also present in such unwholesome (to humans)
substances as molasses, honey and corn syrup
FRUCTOSE (Fruit Sugar)
 same chemical formula but
their structural formulas differ
 Compounds with the same
molecular formulas are called
isomers. So, glucose and
fructose are isomers. Though
they have the same molecular
formula, these sugars cannot
be used in the same way by
cells in the body. The
arrangement of the C, H, and
O atoms determines the shape
and properties of each sugar.
 Galactose differs from
the other simple sugars,
glucose and fructose, in
that it does not occur free
in nature.
 It is produced in the body
in the digestion of
lactose, a disaccharide.
 compounds with two carbohydrate/monosaccharide
molecules. They are crystalline, water soluble and
sweet to taste. Its molecular formula is C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁

 Simple sugar molecules (monosaccharides) can be combined to form

larger sugar molecules called disaccharides or even polysaccharides.
This reaction in which the simple sugars combine to form larger ones
is known as condensation. It is called condensation between a water
molecule is generated in the process.
 The reverse reaction in which the polysaccharide or disaccharide is
broken down into their constituent monomeric sugars is known as
hydrolysis because a water molecule is needed to cleave the
glycosidic bond. The reaction mechanism for the condensation
reaction is the exact reverse of the reaction mechanism for the
hydrolysis reaction. Therefore, if you know one, you know the other.
SUCROSE(Cane Sugar)
 most abundant among naturally occurring sugars.

 found in fruits and vegetables and is particularly

plentiful in sugar beets (roots) and sugarcane (a grass).

 Refined white and brown sugars are close to 100%

sucrose because almost everything else (including the
other kinds of sugars present, the vitamins, the
minerals and the proteins) have been removed in the
refining process.

 Maple syrup and molasses are, like refined sugars,

unwholesome sweeteners; both contain over 50%

 any foods containing significant amounts of refined

sugar are high in sucrose.
MALTOSE (Malt Sugar)
 found in malted cereals,
malted milks and sprouted
 corn syrup is 26 percent
maltose and corn sugar is 4
percent maltose.
 Maltose occurs in the body as
an intermediate product of
starch digestion. (Starch is a
 When maltose is hydrolyzed, it
yields two molecules of
LACTOSE (Milk Sugar)
 Lactose is made up of glucose and
galactose and is found only in milk.
 When lactose is hydrolyzed it yields
one unit of the monosaccharide
glucose and one unit of the
monosaccharide galactose.
 Souring of milk is due to conversion
of lactose to lactic acid. The enzyme
lactase is needed to digest lactose.
OK Kaba Tyan?
 Compounds containing more than two carbohydrate molecules.
 They are large molecules that are made up of many smaller units that are
joined together.
 They are made up of repeating units of monosaccharides held by glycosidic
 During its formation, a water molecule is released at each condensation.
This helps reduce the bulk making it almost insoluble decreasing its effect
on the water potential or osmotic potential of the cell.
 Unlike sugars they are not sweet. They are ideal as storage and as structural
 Starch is the chief storage form of
carbohydrates in plants and the most
important source of carbohydrate in
human nutrition.

 A starch molecule is a polysaccharide

assembled from the simple sugar glucose;
it can contain anywhere from five
hundred to several hundred thousand
glucose molecules joined by covalent
bonds into a single structure.

 Starch is made up of two types of

polysaccharides: amylose, which is a
coiled or helical structure, and
amylopectin, which is branched.

 Plants make starch

The breakdown of starch requires a water molecule to provide a
hydrogen atom and a hydroxyl group to the site where the bond is
With the help of enzymes in the digestive system, the glucose
units can be separated from one another.
When a glucose molecule is separated from the rest of the starch
polymer; it can be absorbed and used as fuel by your cells.
Since it takes time for glucose to be separated from the
polysaccharide, it is released to the cells gradually.
Thus, the glucose from starch reaches muscle cells over a period
providing energy as it is needed.
For this reason, athletes often eat meals rich in complex
carbohydrates before an athletic event.
Industrial application of
 a polysaccharide that is similar to starch because it is also composed of alpha glucose
 differs from starch since glycogen shows a higher degree of branching and is a
polysaccharide that is made by animal hence referred as animal starch.
 has high concentration in liver, muscles and brain.
 are also found in plants that do not have chlorophyll (yeast and fungi).

Glycogen is the They are used

readily available during
energy stored in prolonged
liver and muscles exercise or
and the one that is activity.
easily metabolized.
 composed of thousands of glucose molecules.
 comprises over 50% of the carbon in vegetation and is the structural constituent of
the cell walls of plants.
 most abundant naturally-occurring organic substance.
 characterized by its insolubility, its chemical inertness and its physical rigidity.
 can be digested only by herbivores such as cows, sheep, horses, etc., as these
animals have bacteria in their rumens (stomachs) whose enzyme systems break
down cellulose molecules.
 Humans do not have the enzyme needed to digest cellulose, so it is passed through
the digestive tract unchanged.
Arrangement of the glucose
molecules in cellulose chains
 The hydrogen bonds link
hydroxyl groups of
adjacent glucose
molecules to form
insoluble fibrous sheets.
 These sheets of cellulose
are the basic component
of plant.
 a large, structural polysaccharide made from
chains of modified glucose.

 found in the exoskeletons of insects,

the cell walls of fungi, and certain hard
structures in invertebrates and fish.

 very abundance, chitin is second to only


 In the biosphere, over 1 billion tons of chitin are

synthesized each year by organisms.

 extremely versatile molecule can form solid

structures on its own as in insect wings or can
combine with other components like calcium
carbonate to make even stronger substances like
the shell of a clam.
How does our body break
down this bread?
Breaks down into
microscopic molecules

Loaf of bread Bread crumbs


Monosaccharide Disaccharide



Di saccharide


Challenge: Explain what you think is happening here.

Loaf of bread Bread crumbs Polysaccharide

Monosaccharide Disaccharide

The diagram shows a picture of bread (starch). It also maps

out the break down of carbohydrates from their most complex
form (polysaccharide) to their least complex
(monosaccharide). This process is called hydrolysis.
 chief concentrated storage form of
energy forming about 3.5% of the
cell content.

 organic substances relatively

insoluble in water but soluble in
organic solvents (alcohol, ether).
 They are the concentrated fuel reserve of the body.
 Lipids are constituents of membrane structure and
regulate the membrane permeability.
 They serve as source of fat-soluble vitamins
 Lipids are important cellular metabolic regulators
 Lipids protect the internal organs and serve as
Insulating materials.
 main form of lipids in the body and in foods.
 more than 95 percent of lipids in the diet are in the form of triglycerides, some having a visible
presence and some hidden in foods.
 concentrated fats (butter and vegetable oil, for example) and marbling of fat in meat are
obviously visible.
 But fat can also be hidden in foods, as in baked goods, dairy products like milk and cheese,
and fried foods.
 Naturally occurring triglycerides are found in many foods, including avocados, olives, corn, and
 We commonly call the triglycerides in our food “fats” and “oils.”
 Fats are lipids that are solid at room temperature, whereas oils are liquid.
 The terms fats, oils, and triglycerides are often used interchangeably.
 when we use the word fat, we are referring to triglycerides.
The structure of a
triglyceride is made up of
glycerol and three fatty
Glycerol is the three-carbon
backbone of triglycerides,
while fatty acids are longer
chains of carbon molecules
attached to the glycerol

Fatty acids are called acids

because they have an acid
group (−COOH) on one end of
a carbon chain.
A monoglyceride contains
glycerol with one fatty acid
attached, and a diglyceride
contains glycerol with two
fatty acids attached.
 are found in both plants and animals but make up
only about 2 percent of dietary lipids.
 they play many important roles in the body and in
 can also be synthesized by the body, so they don’t
have to be consumed in the diet.
The unique structure of
phospholipids makes them both fat-
and water-soluble, or amphiphilic. The
fatty-acids are hydrophobic (dislike
water), and the phosphate group and
glycerol are hydrophilic (attracted to
The amphiphilic nature of phospholipids makes them very useful for several
functions in the body. Every cell in the body is encased in a membrane
composed primarily of a double layer of phospholipids (also known as the
phospholipid bilayer), which protects the inside of the cell from the outside
environment while at the same time allowing for transport of fat and water
through the membrane. Phospholipids also play a role in transporting fats in
the blood
Other Roles
 Another important role of phospholipids is to act as emulsifiers.
 Emulsions are mixtures of two liquids that do not normally mix (oil and water, for
 Without an emulsifier, the oil and water separate out into two layers. Because of
their ability to mix with both water and fat, phospholipids are ideal emulsifiers
that can keep oil and water mixed, dispersing tiny oil droplets throughout the
 Lecithin—a phospholipid found in egg yolk, soybean, and wheat germ—is often
used as a food emulsifier.
 Emulsifiers also play an important role in making food appetizing; their inclusion
in foods like sauces and creams makes for a smoother texture and prevents the
oil and water ingredients from separating out. They also can extend shelf life.
3 fatty acids + glycerol
 very different structure from triglycerides and phospholipids.
 also known as steroid alcohol
 do not contain any fatty acids but rather are multi-ring structures,
similar to chicken wire.
 are complex molecules that contain interlinking rings of carbon
atoms, with side chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
 Occurs naturally in plants, animals, and fungi; with the most familiar
type of animal sterol (cholesterol)
 best-known sterol because of its role in heart disease.
 forms a large part of the fatty plaques that narrow arteries and
obstruct blood flow in atherosclerosis.
 cholesterol also has many essential functions in the body. Like
phospholipids, cholesterol is present in all body cells as it is an
important substance in cell membrane structure.
 also used in the body as a precursor in the synthesis of a number
of important substances, including vitamin D, bile, and sex
hormones such as progesterone, testosterone, and estrogens.
unique structure of
cholesterol which
consists of four
linked hydrocarbon
rings forming the
bulky steroid
structure. There is a
hydrocarbon tail
linked to one end of
the steroid and a
hydroxyl group
linked to the other
 Cholesterol is not an essential nutrient; it does not need to be consumed
in the diet, because it is manufactured in the liver. Only foods that come
from animal sources contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in foods
like meat, poultry, fish, egg yolks, butter, and dairy products made from
whole milk.

 Plant foods do not contain cholesterol, but sterols found in plants

resemble cholesterol in structure. Plant sterols inhibit cholesterol
absorption in the human body, which can contribute to lower cholesterol
levels, particularly lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. Plant sterols occur
naturally in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. In addition, some
foods like margarines and dressings are fortified with plant sterols.
Describe what you see

This is an amino acid. It

is the monomer for a
protein. It contains C, H,
O and N. It has 3 groups:
an amino group, an R-
group, and a carboxyl
group. The R-group is
considered a variant
group because it
Proteins aka….



Breaks down into
microscopic molecules


Amino Acid
Monomer: amino acid
Polymer: polypeptide
Monomer: Amino Acids
•Contains C, H, O, N
•20 types
•Has both hydrophobic
& hydrophylic ends
•Differ in R-group
•R-group can be acidic,
basic or neutral
•Makes polypeptide then
makes proteins
 Essential Amino Acids- 9
 Adults only need to obtain eight of them: valine,
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
threonine and tryptophan. The ninth amino acid - histidine
- is only essential for infants

 Conditional Amino Acids- 8

 includes arginine, glutamine, tyrosine, cysteine, glycine,
proline, serine, and ornithine.

 Nonessential Amino Acids- 11 (8+3)

 alanine, asparagine, and aspartate
Polymer: Polypeptide
(peptide means bond)

•Formed by
determined by
•3-D and folds to
take up less space
Function of Proteins
Provides us with building blocks for
Also regulate most functions in a
Glycoproteins (antigens)
Combines w/DNA to form
Turns genes on and off
Antibodies (fights disease)
Function of Proteins
Provides structure & strength
Transports molecules in & out
Hemoglobin (transports O2)
Enzymes-biological catalysts
(speeds up rxns)- has –ase suffix
Acts as hormones (insulin)- many
proteins have suffix of -in
Bellringer: Describe in detail what you see in the
diagram. (minimum 3 sentences)

This is a picture of ATP.

ATP is one type of
monomer of a nucleic
acid. It is made of
adenine, sugar, and 3
phosphate groups.
Nucleic Acids

 Contains C, H, O, N, P
 Nucleotides consist of 3 parts:
1. 5-Carbon Sugar
2. Phosphate Group
3. Nitrogenous Base
Nucleotide: Nitrogen Bases
 5 types
 Cytosine
 Guanine
 Adenine
 Thymine (in DNA only)

 Uracil (in RNA only)
A-T A-U  Purines or pyrimidines
5-carbon sugar and phosphate group
 2 types of sugars
 Ribose (in RNA only)
 Deoxyribose (in DNA
deoxyribose ribose
 Phosphate group
 Contains phosphorus &
 Polymer: polynucleotide
Polynucleotide: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
 contains the genetic code
 stores
& transmit
heredity/genetic information
 foundin the nucleus
 Double stranded (double helix)
Polynucleotide: RNA (ribonucleic acid)
 Carries info from DNA to
 Helps in protein synthesis
 found in ribosomes &
 Single stranded

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