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2nd Semester English Module

3rd Year Engineering Students

Business English

Delivered by: Dr. Khalid Ben Kaddour

Introduction to Business English vocabulary
Several key topics:
 Job satisfaction,
 management styles,
 work-life balance,
 team building,
 the right skills (soft, hard, and emotional intelligence),
 quality and its standards,
 innovation,
 preparing for the future, futurology, and risk
 To provide a comprehensive understanding of the
vocabulary used in business English and the concepts
behind each term,
 To enable you to effectively communicate and
participate in business discussions in English,
 To foster a deeper understanding of various business
strategies and their impact on organizations,
 To equip you with the tools you need to succeed in
today's fast-paced business environment,
 To encourage critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, which are essential for success in the business
I. Job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction refers to the level of
contentment and fulfillment an employee
experiences in their work.

It is an important factor that affects an

employee's overall happiness and
II. Management styles:
Management styles refer to the way in
which a manager or leader approaches
their role in an organization.

There are several different management

styles, including autocratic, democratic,
and laissez-faire.
III. Work-Life Balance:
Work-life balance refers to the effort to
achieve a balance between an individual's
work responsibilities and speakeral life.

It is important for employees to maintain a

healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout
and improve their overall well-being.
IV. Team building:
Team building refers to activities and
exercises designed to improve the
functioning and cohesiveness of a team.

It is an important aspect of building a

strong and effective team.
V. The right skills:
Skills can be divided into three categories:
soft skills, hard skills, and emotional

 Soft skills are non-technical abilities such as

communication and problem-solving, while
hard skills are technical abilities such as
coding and data analysis.
 Emotional intelligence involves the ability to
understand and manage one's own emotions
and those of others.
VII. Innovation:

Innovation refers to the process of creating

new ideas, products, or processes.

It is an important aspect of business

success, as it allows companies to stay
ahead of the competition and meet the
evolving needs of their customers.
VIII. Preparing for the future:

Preparing for the future refers to the

process of anticipating and planning for
changes and challenges that may arise in
the future.

This includes preparing for risks and

VIII. Preparing for the future:
 Futurology:
It refers to the study of trends and changes that
may occur in the future. It is an important aspect
of preparing for the future and making informed

 Risk management:
It refers to the process of identifying and
mitigating potential risks in a business or
organization. It is an important aspect of
preparing for the future and ensuring the
success and stability of a business.
The covered vocabulary and concepts
are essential for success in the business

By understanding these topics, you will

be better equipped to communicate and
participate in business discussions, make
informed decisions, and navigate the
challenges and opportunities of the
business world.
I. Job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction refers to the level of
contentment and fulfillment an employee
experiences in their work.

It is an important factor that affects an

employee's overall happiness and

 Stimulating:
Exciting, arousing interest or enthusiasm

 Originality:
The quality of being novel or inventive

 Hands-on:
Actively involving oneself in a task, especially by
physically doing it

 Come up with:
To think of or produce an idea or plan

 No two days are the same:

Every day is different and unique

 Client contact:
Speaking and interacting with clients
 Hit it off with:
Have a good relationship or understanding with

 Get on with:
Have a friendly relationship or be compatible with

 Rapport:
A close and harmonious relationship in which the
people or groups concerned understand each other's
feelings or ideas and communicate well.

 Practice:
The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or
method, as opposed to theories relating to it

 Working on my own:
Working independently without the help of others

 Achievement:
The accomplishment of a goal or task

 Chained to a desk:
Confined to a desk or office and unable to move around

 Admin:
Administrative work or tasks

 Paperwork:
Forms, documents, or files involved in an organization
or bureaucracy
 Snowed under:
Overwhelmed or swamped with work

 Bureaucracy:
A system of administration characterized by strict
regulations, red tape, and a hierarchical structure

 Red tape:
Excessive bureaucracy or administration that impedes
or delays action or decision-making.

 Flexibility:
The quality of being able to be adapted or changed to
suit different conditions or circumstances

 Breathing down my neck:

A situation in which someone is constantly watching or
checking on someone else's work or behavior

 Commute:
The journey that someone makes in order to go to and
from work or school

 Telecommute:
The practice of working from home or a remote
location using digital technologies

 Vacation:
A period of time in which someone takes a break from
work or studies and relaxes

 Time off:
Time away from work or other obligations to relax or
pursue speakeral interests
II. Management styles:
Management styles refer to the way in
which a manager or leader approaches
their role in an organization.

There are several different management

styles, including autocratic, democratic,
and laissez-faire.
II. Management styles:
Part1: Democratic Management

 Democratic Management:

A management style in which the manager involves

employees in the decision-making process and delegates
responsibilities to them, leading to a more participative
and empowered work environment.

 Satisfaction:
A feeling of contentment or fulfillment resulting from
achieving a goal or accomplishing something

 Responsibility:
The state of being accountable for one's actions or

 Initiative:
The power or opportunity to act independently or take
charge of a situation

 Participative:
Involving others in the decision-making process,

 Decision-making process:
A series of steps taken to make a choice or reach a

 Empowerment:
The granting of authority or control to someone,
making them feel valued and motivated.

 Delegation:
The assigning of responsibility or authority to
someone else,

 Valued:
Regarded as having worth or merit,

 Motivation:
The driving force behind an individual's actions
and decisions.

 Morale:
A person's spirits or confidence, especially in a
group or organization,

 Well-being:
A state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
II. Management styles:
Part2: Autocratic Management

 Autocratic Management:
A management style in which the manager
makes decisions without consulting employees
and enforces strict discipline and control over
the workplace
 Subordinate:
A person under the authority or control of

 Working under me:

Being in a position of authority or control over
someone else,

 Supervision:
The act of overseeing or directing the actions of
 Authoritarian:
A person or system that demands complete
obedience or control,

 Discipline:
The practice of training someone to obey rules
and regulations,

 Disciplinary procedures:
A set of rules and steps followed to enforce
discipline in a workplace.

 Imposed decision:
A decision made by a person in authority
without considering the opinions or input of

 No consultation:
A lack of involvement in the decision-making
process or discussion.
II. Management styles:
Part3: Laissez-faire Management
Theory X, and Theory Y

 Laissez-faire is a management style in which the

manager takes a hands-off approach, allowing
employees to take the initiative. This style is
often contrasted with autocratic management,

 Theory X and Theory Y are two theories

proposed by Douglas McGregor that describe
different management styles and their effects on
employee motivation and performance. Theory
X assumes that employees are naturally passive
and need to be closely monitored and controlled,
while Theory Y assumes that employees are
naturally motivated and will work hard if given
the right environment.
II. Management styles:
Part4: Hygiene Factors
 Herzberg: A psychologist who developed a
theory on the motivators and hygiene factors in
the workplace,

 Hygiene Factors: They are necessary

components of a workplace that must be
maintained in order to prevent dissatisfaction
among employees, but they do not necessarily
motivate employees. Examples of hygiene
factors include working conditions, salary, and
 Policy:
A set of guidelines or rules established by an

 Working conditions:
The physical and environmental aspects of a

 Salary:
The amount of money received for work

 Peer relationships:
Relationships between individuals of equal
status or rank,

 Security:
A sense of safety and protection,
II. Management styles:
Part5: Motivator Factors

 Motivator Factors: Factors in the workplace

that inspire and motivate employees to perform
at their best,
 Achievement:
The accomplishment of a goal or objective,

 Recognition:
Acknowledgement or appreciation for a job well

 Feedback:
Information provided to someone about their
performance or behavior.

 The work itself:

The tasks or responsibilities involved in a job,

 Responsibility:
The accountability for one's actions or decisions,

 Advancement:
The progress or growth in one's career or status,

 Career ladder:
A series of steps or stages in one's professional
development or advancement,
III. Work-Life Balance:
Work-life balance refers to the effort to
achieve a balance between an individual's
work responsibilities and personal life.

It is important for employees to maintain a

healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout
and improve their overall well-being.

 Pressure:
Feeling of being forced to do something or to meet
certain expectations

 Stressful:
Something that causes stress or makes someone feel

 De-stress:
Relieve or reduce stress

 Burnout:
State of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion
caused by excessive and prolonged stress

 Nervous breakdown:
Mental or emotional collapse due to stress

 Heavy workloads:
Having too much work to do and feeling overwhelmed

 Office politics:
Power struggles and conflicts that can occur within an

 Role ambiguity:
Not knowing what is expected of you in a specific role
or job

 Effort-reward imbalance:
Not feeling like the effort you put into your work is
being adequately recognized or rewarded

 Home-work imbalance:
Not having a good balance between work and personal
life, leading to stress and burnout
 Workaholic:
Someone who is addicted to work and prioritizes work
over everything else

 Isolated:
Feeling lonely and disconnected from others

 Downshifting and Rebalancing:

Making changes in one's life in order to find a better
balance between work and personal life. This can
include: Decreasing work hours
Changing careers
Pursuing new interests and hobbies

 Autonomy:
Having control over your own time and schedule

 Independence:
Not being controlled by others and having the freedom
to make your own choices

 No boundary and overlap:

not having clear boundaries between work and
personal life, leading to stress.
IV. Team building:
Team building refers to activities and
exercises designed to improve the
functioning and cohesiveness of a team.

It is an important aspect of building a

strong and effective team.

 Team Leader:
The person who leads the team and is responsible for its
overall performance

 Team Effort:
The combined effort of all team members towards
achieving the team's objectives

 Team Performance:
The results achieved by the team

 Team Dynamics:
The way team members interact with each other

 Team Effectiveness:
The degree to which the team achieves its objectives

 Team Learning:
The process of learning and improving together as a

 The Implementer:
The person who turns ideas into action and is good at
planning and organizing

 The Coordinator:
The person who is good at delegating tasks and
bringing people together

 The Shaper:
The person who challenges the team to improve and is
good at driving the team forward

 The plant:
The person who comes up with creative ideas and is
good at problem-solving

 The Resource Investigator:

The person who is good at networking and finding
resources for the team

 The Monitor-Evaluator:
The person who provides a critical and analytical
perspective on the team's performance

 The Team Worker:

The person who is good at supporting others and
building team morale

 The Completer:
The person who is good at finishing tasks and paying
attention to details

Stages of Team Life

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:

 Forming:
The initial stage of team development, where team
members get to know each other and establish their
roles and objectives. During this stage, team members
may be polite and cautious, and communication may be
 Storming:
This is the stage where conflicts may arise as team
members begin to assert themselves and compete for
positions within the team. During this stage, it is
important for the team to learn how to manage
conflicts and work through differences in a constructive

 Mourning:

This is the stage where the team comes to an end, either

because it has achieved its objectives or because it has
failed. During this stage, it is important to reflect on the
team's successes and failures and learn from the
V. The right skills:
Skills can be divided into three categories:
soft skills, hard skills, and emotional

 Soft skills are non-technical abilities such as

communication and problem-solving, while
hard skills are technical abilities such as
coding and data analysis.
 Emotional intelligence involves the ability to
understand and manage one's own emotions
and those of others.

Hard and Soft Skills

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Hard skills:
Are job-specific skills that can be taught and measured,
such as computer programming or accounting

 Soft skills:
Are the interpersonal and communication skills that
help us work well with others

 Tactful communication:
Ability to communicate effectively without offending

 Non-authoritarian or non-dictatorial management:

Management style that involves working
collaboratively with employees, rather than dictating

 Emotional competencies:
Ability to manage one's own emotions and empathize
with others

Emotional Intelligence

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Emotional Intelligence:
Ability to understand and manage our own emotions
and the emotions of others

 Daniel Goleman:
He identified five key components of emotional
intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation,
empathy, and social skills

 Self-awareness:
Ability to recognize one's own emotions and how they
affect others.

 Self-regulation :
Ability to control one's own emotions and behaviors

 Motivation :
The drive to achieve goals

 Empathy :
Ability to understand and share the feelings of others

 Social skills :
Ability to communicate effectively and work well with

 Intelligence Quotient (IQ) :

Measures cognitive abilities, such as logical reasoning
and problem-solving

 Emotional Quotient (EQ) :

Measures emotional abilities

Areas of Emotional Intelligence

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Malcom Higgs and Victor Dulewicz:

They identified three areas: drivers, constrainers, and

 Drivers:
Emotional characteristics that motivate individuals to
succeed, such as ambition and initiatives

 Constrainers1:
Emotional characteristics that may hinder an
individual's success, such as anxiety or fear of failure.

 Constrainers2:
Emotional characteristics that may control in a good
way what people do, such as integrity and honesty.

 Enablers:
Emotional characteristics that help individuals to
succeed, such as optimism or resilience.
VI. Quality and its standards:

Quality refers to the degree to which

a product or service meets customer
expectations. There are several
quality standards, such as ISO 9001,
which set guidelines for ensuring
high-quality products and services.

Quality in manufacturing

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Conformity:
The extent to which a product meets the specified

 Conformance:
The degree to which a product meets the standards set
by the manufacturer

 Consistency:
The level of uniformity and reliability in a product's
performance or quality

 Elimination of Variation:
The process of reducing or eliminating differences or
variability in a product or process
 Reworking:
The process of correcting faults or defects in a product
 Faults:
Deviations from the intended performance of a product
 Defects:
Imperfections that render a product unfit for its
intended use

Quality in services?

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Customer Needs:
The requirements and expectations of customers for a
 Customer Approval:
The degree to which customers are satisfied with the
service provided
 Customer Expectations:
The standards that customers set for a service provided
 Customer Delight:
When a service exceeds customer expectations and results
in a positive experience
VII. Innovation:

Innovation refers to the process of creating

new ideas, products, or processes.

It is an important aspect of business

success, as it allows companies to stay
ahead of the competition and meet the
evolving needs of their customers.

Innovation and the Development Process

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Creativity:
Ability to come up with new and original ideas

 Not bureaucratic:
Not bogged down by rules and regulations that can
stifle creativity

 Skunk works:
A small team is given the freedom to work
independently, away from the constraints of the larger

 Research and development:

Where the company invests resources into exploring
new technologies and ideas

 Focus groups:
Allow companies to gather feedback from potential
customers and make improvements before launching a
product or service

 Development process :
Allows companies to bring new ideas to market and
 Hit it off with:
Have a good relationship or understanding with

 Get on with:
Have a friendly relationship or be compatible with

 Rapport:
A close and harmonious relationship in which the
people or groups concerned understand each other's
feelings or ideas and communicate well.

Pioneers and followers

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Pioneers :
First to introduce a new product or service to the

 Followers :
Wait to see how it performs before introducing their
own versions

 First mover advantage:

Establish a dominant position in the market

 Trendsetters :
Individuals or companies who set the standard for a
particular industry or market segment

 Innovators :
those who come up with new and creative solutions to
existing problems

Shakeout and consolidation

 Can you guess what the text is about?

 Let’s brainstorm some keyword:


 Shakeout :
Phase, where weaker competitors drop out and
stronger companies dominate the market.

 Consolidation :
when the market stabilizes, and a few dominant players

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