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How to rank on the 1st page of Google Malaysia search results?
Written by Max Leong
• 11 years experience IT worker
• Invented Malaysia first smart home system
• Co-founder of VYROX International Sdn Bhd
• Specialize in SEO Malaysia, HTML5 web development
and PHP software system engineering
• Born in Ipoh Perak, based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
What is White Hat SEO Malaysia?
1. Comply Google search engine guidelines
2. Original informative content
3. Never spam URL
4. Only organic SEO tactics
5. Focus on-site SEO
SEO Malaysia Techniques (1) 
1. Top level domain extension
2. Short & Human understandable URL
3. Short & keyword related title
4. Specific keywords
5. https
6. User-friendly layout
7. Errorless HTML
8. Optimize Metatags
9. Optimize Anchor
SEO Malaysia Techniques (2) 
10. Zero dead links
11. Mobile smartphone friendly
12. Human readable meaningful content
13. Constantly produce low keyword density articles
14. Optimize for local search opportunities
15. Image alt text
16. Simplify everything for quick loading
17. Facebook page
18. Google+ page
SEO Malaysia Techniques (3) 
19. News press release blogging
20. CEO Messages
21. Google Maps
22. Google/Yahoo/Bing URL submission
23. Google Business submission
24. Youtube explainer videos
25. Facebook ads
26. Google Adwords
27. Third party comments and ratings
SEO Malaysia Tips (1)
1. Never duplicate contents
2. Minimize dynamic contents
3. Do not hide any text in HTML
4. Do not use flash
5. Do not use iframe
6. Never put too many images
7. Lesser sub-folder better
SEO Malaysia Tips (2)
8. Do not blast emails with web URL
9. Do not pop anything in the homepage
10. Make friends with authority websites
11. Transparent website authors
12. Minimize URL redirection
13. Avoid un-readable short URL
14. Minimize call-to-action buttons
Avoid SEO Company that:
• Collect payment before result shows
• In-definitely time frame for SEO
• Non-refundable payment
• Black hat SEO tactics
• Spammy SEO techniques
• We got friends working in Google search algorithm team.
• Comply 100% Google search guidelines.

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