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Give, and you will receive.

You will be given much.

Pressed down, shaken together, and running
over, it will spill into your lap.
The way you give to others is the way God
will give to you.
Luke 6:38 NCV
Values Series 2
Filipino Generosity
Among the most generous people
in the world, according a new study
made by the UK-based Charities Aid
Foundation (CAF).
More Filipinos volunteer (44%) than
in any other country in Southeast
Asia. Ranked fifth globally for its
participation in volunteering.
Filipino Generosity
Among the top 5 nation devoting
the most amount of time to charity
17th overall worldwide in the 146-
nation World Giving Index 2012
Ranked 47th (32%) in donating cash
to charity.
Ranked 26th on helping strangers.
On being Stingy…
• They always take but give very little
• They disappear kapag offering time sa
• They’ll always borrow stuff rather than
buy their own, and if they break it, they
offer no replacement.
Stingy ones…
• They always are always on the “WIIFM!”
• They always ask for “Pakapin’ or say,
“Wala’y libre?”
• If you lend them money, they quickly get
an amnesia.
• They measure every effort; if they do
something for you, they won’t do it again
unless you reciprocate.
Purpose for Blessing

God told Abraham,

“I will bless you...
and you will be a
blessing to others.

Genesis 12:2 NCV

1 Timothy 6:17-19
As for the rich in this present age, charge
them not to be haughty, nor to set their
hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on
God, who richly provides us with everything
to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in
good works, to be generous and ready to
share, thus storing up treasure for
themselves as a good foundation for the
future, so that they may take hold of that
which is truly life.
Our Attitude Towards

1. Never love money.

The love of money causes all kinds
of evil. Some people have left the faith,
because they wanted to get more
money, but they have caused
themselves much sorrow (1 Timothy
6:10 NCV).
Our Attitude Towards

“Money is a wonderful servant but a terrible

master. If it gets on top and you get under it,
you will become its slave.”
– Stanley Jones
Our Attitude Towards
2. Never put your trust on

Trust in your money and down you

go! Trust in God and flourish as a tree!
Proverbs 11:28 (LB)
Our Attitude Towards
3. Never make money your
life’s goal .
Men brag of all their evil lusts;
they revile God and congratulate
those the Lord abhors, whose only
goal in life is money (Psalm 10:3
Our Attitude Towards
“I have made millions, but they brought me no
happiness.” -John D. Rockefeller

He who loves money shall never

have enough. The foolishness of
thinking that wealth brings
happiness! Ecclessiastes 5:10 (LB)
Ecclesiastes 5:10
Whoever loves money never
has money enough; whoever loves
wealth is never satisfied with his
income. This too is meaningless.(NIV)
On Being Generous

• Give to God your tithes and

• Give money to good causes
• Volunteer
On Being Generous

• Help a stranger
• Give positive feedbacks and
• Have listening ears and
shoulders to cry on
•Ecclesiastes 5:10
•Whoever loves money never
has money enough; whoever
loves wealth is never satisfied
with his income. This too is

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