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How AI is changing our

What is AI?

• Artificial intelligence is a part of

computer science that focuses on
creating machines that can think,
learn, and make decisions like
humans. AI has been around for a
long time, but recent advances in
technology have made it more
accessible and powerful than
ever before.
Where do we use AI?
• AI is being used in different
industries and apps, from
healthcare and finance to
transportation and entertainment. It
is helping doctors diagnose
diseases, detects fraud, AI controls
self-driving cars.
• It simplifies our life. AI is used in
music services, social networks,
searchers , voice assistants and

The problems of AI
• While AI has advantages, it also
creates some problems and risks.
One of the problems is that AI can
replace human work. Another
problem is the possibility of using
AI for bad purposes
• There are also moral problems ,
such as bias and privacy. AI
systems, like the data they study,
are not objective and can
perpetuate existing social

Bias-предвзятость, perpetuate-закрепить
Future of AI
• Despite these problems the
benefits are huge, and many
experts believe that AI will play
an important role in future.
• The development of AI also
presents opportunities for
collaboration between humans
and machines, allowing us to
work together to solve problems
and create new innovations.
• In conclusion, AI is a rapidly
evolving field that is changing
the way we live, work, and
interact with technology. It will
be up to us as a society to ensure
that AI is developed and used in a
responsible and ethical manner,
with a focus on maximizing its
potential to improve our lives and
solve some of the world's most
pressing problems.

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