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Université Mohammed V de Rabat

Ecole national supérieur d’arts et métiers de

Année universitaire 2022/2023

Global brands
Prepared by :
Imane Ziar
Kaouthar Nasri
Hajar Najah
Yamna Akerkouch
Mohammed El Momine 2022/2023
01 02 03
Introduction: Benefits of global Goals & Strategy

04 05 06
Content Plan Budget zara
Introduction :

is the process of creating a brand image that's consistent in

markets all over the world. The purpose of global branding is to
help people from a variety of countries and cultures recognize
your brand. While some brands choose to cater to a more local,
centralized market, global brands choose to market to any
country or region that carries their offerings. Their marketing
and messaging stay the same all over the world, except for
minor language or cultural adjustments. By keeping this
branding consistent, global brands can share their values
overseas and locally.

Benefits of global branding:

Offers more Increases customer Reduces marketing

consistency: awareness: costs:
Both brands and consumers When the company you work Rather than changing your
can benefit from the for sells products around the campaign based on local
consistency of global world, more people may markets, your brand can save
branding. While brands can become familiar with your money on marketing by
spread their message across company's offerings. This keeping your advertisements
all continents, consumers can familiarity may cause and messaging consistent
be sure they're getting the consumers to search for your around the globe.
same quality of product product instead of one they
whether they're in, for haven't seen as often.
example, France or Brazil.

Benefits of global branding:

Saves on production Improves brand Offers more economic

costs: value: stability:

When you can keep your Engaging In global Companies that sell to more
package design the same branding can potentially markets tend to have more
across the world, this can save increase the monetary financial stability. Even if one of
your brand money on value of the organization. their markets provides economic
production costs. Along with challenges, other segments in that
saving money, this can company's diverse audience base
contribute to less waste, which may continue to purchase at the
might be good for the same pace.

Challenges in
global brands
Cultural adaptation
This challenge arises from the fact that different cultures
have different values, beliefs, customs, and traditions. As a
result, what may be an effective marketing strategy in one
country may not be effective or even offensive in another. To
successfully adapt to different cultures, global brands must
understand the cultural nuances and preferences of each
market they operate in. This requires conducting thorough
market research and understanding the local language,
customs, and traditions.

Increased competition
As global markets become more interconnected,
local businesses are increasingly able to compete
with global brands. Local businesses often have
an advantage in understanding the tastes,
preferences, and buying habits of local
consumers, which can make it difficult for global
brands to penetrate these markets.

High costs
Global marketing requires significant
investments in advertising, market
research, and product development.
Global brands must create advertising Additionally, they must also invest
campaigns that are tailored to different in market research to understand
markets, which can be costly and time- the needs and preferences of
consuming. consumers in different countries.
Another cost associated with
global marketing is the need to
adapt products and services to local
markets. Global brands must
ensure that their products and
services meet the specific needs
and preferences of consumers in
different countries, which may
require changes to the design,
packaging, or features of the
product. 7
Pressure for innovation
Different countries have different laws, regulations, and policies
that govern advertising, marketing, and sales practices. Global
brands must comply with these regulations to avoid legal and
reputational risks. For example, some countries have strict laws
regarding the advertising and sale of certain products, such as
alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals. Global brands must
ensure that their advertising and sales practices comply with
these laws, which may include restrictions on advertising to
minors, labeling requirements, and limits on the use of certain
images or messages Another regulatory challenge faced by global
brands is data privacy and security regulations. Many countries
have implemented data protection laws that require companies to
obtain consent from individuals before collecting or using their
personal data.

Geopolitical risks
some cultures value individualism and self-expression, while others prioritize
collectivism and social harmony. Global brands must tailor their messaging
and advertising campaigns to resonate with the cultural values of their target
consumers. Similarly, some cultures place a greater emphasis on the
functional benefits of a product, while others prioritize the emotional
benefits. Global brands must understand the cultural nuances of their target
consumers to effectively communicate the benefits of their products and
services To overcome this challenge, global brands must conduct extensive
market research to understand the cultural values and preferences of their
target consumers. This includes researching local customs, beliefs, and
attitudes towards different products and services.

Strategies to build a
global brand
Strategies to build a global brand

Website marketing Buying preferences Social media

Culture Partnerships with local



Let's take an example of Zara, a global fashion

brand, and explore how their marketing
strategies may differ in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) and the United States (USA).

Cultural sensitivity

in the UAE, Zara may need to ensure In the USA, Zara may need to consider
that their clothing designs and the diverse cultural landscape and
marketing materials align with the local adjust their marketing efforts
cultural norms and values, which accordingly. For example, they may
prioritize modesty and conservative create campaigns that promote
fashion. This may include featuring inclusivity and diversity, featuring
clothing styles that cover the body models from different ethnicities and
adequately, using models who adhere to body types, and showcasing a wide
modesty requirements, and avoiding any range of fashion styles that cater to
marketing messages or visuals that may diverse cultural backgrounds and
be perceived as offensive or preferences.


In the USA, Zara may need to

In the UAE, Zara may need to highlight emphasize its fast fashion and
its premium offerings, as luxury brands affordable pricing, as consumers in the
are highly valued in the region. This USA may prioritize value for money
may involve showcasing high-end and fashion trends. This may involve
clothing lines, using premium materials, promoting Zara's frequent collection
and creating marketing campaigns that turnover, affordable pricing, and
convey a sense of exclusivity and highlighting their ability to keep up
sophistication to appeal to the local with the latest fashion trends to attract
consumer preferences. fashion-conscious consumers who seek
affordable and trendy clothing options.

Language and Seasonal

In the USA, English would be the

In the UAE, Zara may need to primary language for Zara's marketing
incorporate Arabic language, where the communications, but Zara may also
weather is hot and arid for most of the consider leveraging other languages,
year, Zara may need to focus on depending on the demographics of the
promoting lightweight and breathable target audience,
fabrics suitable for the local climate. where the climate varies greatly
depending on the region, Zara may
need to consider regional and seasonal

Digital marketing

In both the UAE and the USA, Zara may focus on

popular social media platforms like Instagram and
Snapchat, which are widely used by consumers in the
region. Zara could utilize influencer partnerships,
localized content, and targeted advertising to
effectively engage with consumers on these platforms.


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