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Girls education is big opportunity for Indian
and world to be a developed socially impact
on the society as a hole through their
contribution at home and professional field
• For more then 300 years ago there was no
education impacted to girls only a few girls of
the upper castes were given some eduction at
home literacy of girls at that time was looked
up on as a disgrace . It was the ‘American
mission 'which started a school for girls in
Mumbai in girls were enrolled in the school.
Dardsum is a beautiful village located in kralpora tehsil of
kupwara distt.It is governed by kralopora gram pancltyat .It
is about 15km from main kupwara. POPULATION
As per available date from the
year 2018 its pop is about 4000 and area is about 252 1Ha

1. To highlight the difficulties faced by

females seeking education. 2.
To explore the outcome of education in the
lives of females.
On our survey to dardsun village regarding eduction status of women living
there we found mixed view … As we initated our inspection while interacting
with the women dwelling there we got different perspective form every person
…. One women namely misra begum told us that her family gave her
basic eduction but due to the rise in militancy at that period she was taken out
form the school constant terrifying ambiance frightened her parents and as a
result she couldn’t pursue her further education after 9 th .
Another women named as Ruksana disclosed her education life with us and
told us how she had great enthusiasm in edution and passed 10 th class but due
to her mother ‘s demisme she couldn’t contionue it ..all the household chores
and responsibility was eventually on her shoulders and a physically challenged
sister was also under her hands and care so she dropped out form the school
and achieved nazira a religiios edution .. But due to the family responsibilty she
couldn’t continue chores…
A women named ABIDA also narrated her story. She spilled how her tailoring skills is helping her daily life … she said that despite
my sibling being degree holders they don’t have any job and rely on me as I earn from tailoring … I help my family and I’m self
independent and I don’t ask for anything more… one more lady who was a doctor
by profession while conversing with us told us how her mother faced all the criticism and taunts that society gave her on the
inception of letting her daughter to pursue MBBS …she said that she along with her mother despite facing problem kept hope and
were determined to cope up with all the stuffs people threw on them in the form of mockery and venomous tongues but they
didn’t changed their dedication towards her interest in medicinal science … she further told how after become a doctor same
people who used to clown her mother for sending her doctor for medicine studies are now respecting her and praising her
choice … but above all these prospective and positive interactions one thing I noticed is how this village is preferring religious
education more than academics as most of the residents have women who are given their basic education at their homes and
considering it the best ; suffice and easiest way for boosting knowledge at home for free rafter than school.

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