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DICTATORSHIP If you could combine the best parts of a

dictatorship and a democracy, which parts DEMOCRACY

would you chose and why?
 Strong and stable leadership
 Allow the people to have a say in
 Decisions get made quickly
____________________________________ who leads the country
 There is no opposition to
 Respect for Human Rights and
planned actions and policies ____________________________________
the individual
 All energies are directed to the ____________________________________  Protection from abuse of power
achievement of the arms of the
____________________________________  A free press to hold those in
____________________________________ power to account
 Prompt and swift action is taken
 Equal opportunities
in times of need ____________________________________  Limited majority rule
 Able to control the press
____________________________________  Legal protection for all

“’It is better to live in a democracy than a dictatorship”

Arguments For Arguments Against

Your personal opinion :

How does politics

impact you and your
families life?

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