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PEC-FTC 3 - The Teacher and the

Community, School Culture and

Organizational Leadership

•Introduction to Society
•Definition of terms
•Understanding society
•Society and Education
• Societas or socius which means comrade,
friend and ally.

• Society refers to a group of people who live

together in a particular geographic location,
share a common culture, and interact with
one another on a regular basis.
Definition of terms in Society
• Culture - it is a shared beliefs, values,
customs, behaviors, and artifacts that
characterize a group or society.

• Social norms - the unwritten rules of

behavior that govern interactions between
individuals and groups within a society.
• Socialization - the process by which
individuals learn the norms, values, and
beliefs of their society, and develop the
social skills necessary to function within it.
• Social stratification - the hierarchical
ranking of individuals within a society based
on factors such as wealth, power, and social
• Social institution - a stable, patterned
set of social behaviors, beliefs, and
practices that serves a specific function
within a society, such as a family,
religion, or government.

• Social change - the process by which

societies and social institutions evolve over
time, often in response to new technological,
economic, or political developments.
• Power -the ability to influence or
control the behavior of others, often
through the use of force or coercion.

• Social inequality - Unequal

distribution of resources, opportunities,
and rewards among different groups
within a society.
• Social justice - the pursuit of fairness
and equality in the distribution of
resources, opportunities, and rewards
within a society, often through the
promotion of policies and practices that
aim to reduce social inequality.

• Diversity - the existence of a variety of

cultures, ethnicities, and other
differences within a society, and the
recognition and acceptance of these
differences as valuable and important.
Understanding Society
• It involves gaining a comprehensive
understanding of the complex
interactions between individuals,
groups, and social structures within a
Society and Education
• Society and education are deeply
interconnected. Education is a key social
institution that plays a crucial role in
shaping and transmitting the norms,
values, and beliefs of a society. At the
same time, society shapes the goals,
methods, and outcomes of education.

Write an essay about your

point of view on an ideal
society (20pts)

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