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• Showcase competence • Showcase credentials
work history certificates research
accomplishments etc affiliations
• Used for practically any • Used for academic
job scientific and medical
• Typically concise jobs
• Typically detailed
What is a Resume?
• Summary of your educational qualification
• It highlights your skills and experiences
relevant to the field
• It highlights your accomplishments and
• Its purpose is to get you an interview call
• It should consider your extra-curricular
and leadership qualities

• Occupational resumes
• Chronological resumes
• Functional resumes
• Combination resumes
• Curriculum resumes
• Online resumes
• List your technical knowledge first ,in an
organized way
• List your qualification in order of relevance
from most to least
• Quantify your experience
• Highlight your strengths
• Have a trusted friend review your resume
• Proofread .Be sure to catch all spellings and
grammatical errors
Steps in resume writing

• List your activities

• Write about activities
• Pick items to highlight
• Create resume sections
• Format your resume
• Study resume examples
Steps to a Good Resume
• Choose a job target(also called as job
• Find out what skills, knowledge and
experience are needed to do that target job
• Make a list of 3 or 4 strongest skills that
make you a good candidate for that target job
• For each key skill think of several
accomplishments from your past work
history that illustrates that skills
• Make a list of the primary jobs you’ve held in
chronological order.
• make a list of your training and education that
is related to the new job you want
• Choose a resume format that fits your situation
• Arrange your action statements on your resume
according to the format you choose
• Summarize your key points at or near the top of
your resume in about five short lines
Step 1:Choose a job target
• Focus: The people who have the hardest
time finding a job are often the ones
who insist on writing a generic resume
that list everything they ever did. HOPE
some employer will figure out what job
will fit them but employers won’t do
that they are looking for people who
know that they want.
STEP 2:Find Out What Skills
And Experiences Are Needed

Find that information in job ads, in

employers job descriptions or from
some one working. in that field
STEP 3:List your strongest skills

• Example taken from resume

• Target job: Customer service
• Relevant skills:
• Computer skills
• Customer skills
• Verbal skills
STEP 4:Accomplishments
• Example taken from resume
• Job Objective : Merchandising display
Display : Set up effective retail
displays of beverages in
supermarkets and package stores
Inventoried and recorded display
STEP 5:List Past Jobs
• List your most recent job first then
your earlier jobs
• Include all jobs
• Include unpaid work
• Round all employment dates to years
STEP 6: List Education And Training

• Omi high school if you have academic

credentials from college
• Starts from your current degree to the
previous ones
STEP 7 :Choose a format

• Choose a chronological if you are

staying in the same field and you have
an unbroken employment history
• Choronological means your wok
experience is arrange in order by dates
of the jobs you have held with the
most recent first
STEP 8:Arrange your action
• Place each action statement under the
appropriate job title where the action
STEP 9:Summarize Your Key
Points At The Top
• Keep each summary statement to one
1. How much experience I this line of
2. Training or education in this line of
3. Your key skills , talents and knowledge
• Proofread for grammar and
• Check the spellings
• Get feedback from someone

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