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• A 20-year-old college student was admitted with three days history of

fever, headache and neck stiffness following a recent upper

respiratory tract infection. Lumbar puncture was done which was
reported as follows:
• Opening pressure mildly elevated
• Clear in appearance
• 110 lymphocytes (normal less than 5), no polymorphs
• Protein concentration 0.6 g/dl
• CSF glucose normal in proportion to blood glucose
• No organisms on Gram staining
• This is a chest radiograph of a 55-year-old lady who
complained of fever, cough with yellowish sputum and
difficulty in breathing for five days. Her total leukocyte count
was 14 x 103/ul with neutrophilia.
•A 30-year-old woman was referred for hirsutism associated
with amenorrhoea for the last eight months. Her weight was
100 kg but no physical abnormalities were detected. Her
hormonal assay results were as follow:

•Serum testosterone : 4.8 mmol/L (normal: 0.8 – 3.0)

•Plasma 17(OH) progesterone : 3.2 nmol/L (normal: < 15)
•FSH : 5 U/L (normal: < 8)
•LH : 21 U/L (normal: < 6)
•Urinary axogenic steroids : 46 umol/24 hr (normal: 21 – 66)

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