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Good Afternoon!

Teaching and Assessment of Grammar
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
distinguish the rules of grammar;
share their appreciation to what have they learned and;
construct a lesson plan applying the different rules that was
previously discussed.
Six Rules Of Grammar:
Rule of Context
Rule of Use
Rule of Economy
Rule of Relevance
Rule of Nurture
Rule of Appropriacy
Rule Of Context
Rule Of Context
Teaching grammar through context will help learners in
effectively perceiving language structures. Learners will be
able to master the language more effectively if they are
exposed to grammatical structures in context. Teaching
grammar in context will assist students in learning new
grammar structures and forms.
Rule Of Use
Rule Of Use
It is the student’s comprehension and production
of language. They should be able to incorporate the
grammar they’ve learned into their speech and
writing to communicate fluently. The goal is to
equip the students with a valuable communication
Rule Of Economy
Rule Of Economy
The rule of economy explains that to provide time for
language use, teachers should be economical. By
economical, it means that teachers provide manageable
and comprehensible input and allocate enough time for
language use and practice.
Rule Of Relevance
Rule Of Relevance
Teach only the grammar that the students have
problem with. This means, start of by finding out what
they already know. And do not assume that the grammar
of English is a wholly different system from the learner’s
mother tongue. Exploit the common ground.
Rule Of
Rule Of Nurture
Teaching doesn’t necessarily cause learning - not in any direct
way. Instead of teaching grammar, therefore, try to provide the
right conditions for grammar learning.
Rule Of Appropriacy
Rule Of Appropriacy
Interpret all the above rules according to the level,
needs, interests, expectations, and learning styles of the
students. This may mean giving a lot of prominence to
grammar at all – in any up-front way. But either way, it is
your responsibility as a teacher to know your grammar
inside and out.
Realization and
“A language is a acquired
through practice, it is merely
perfected through grammar”
- Leibniz

Grubat, Gemmarie B.
Villavicencio, Fray Anne

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