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Comma splicing

Comma splicing - a feature of Grade D


At GCSE, Grades A*-C are passes, so Grade D

writing is not good.
Comma splicing is when you use commas to
join sentences together.
Copy out this paragraph using capital
letters, commas and full stops accurately.
they walked up to the ancient ruin it was
twilight and the shadows were gathering fast it
was very difficult to make out the footpath
that led up to the grand portcullis of the castle
the rickety drawbridge groaned in the evening
wind and swung eerily over the empty moat it
was tempting to just turn and go home they did
not want to go there but they had no choice in
the castle their host was awaiting them
Two complete sentences.

they walked up to the ancient ruin it was twilight and

the shadows were gathering fast
They walked up to the ancient ruin. It was twilight,
and the shadows were gathering fast.
One sentence

It was very difficult to make out the footpath

that led up to the grand portcullis of the
Two sentences

The rickety drawbridge groaned in the evening wind,

and swung eerily over the empty moat. It was
tempting to just turn and go home.
Full stop.

Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies, they

had hated each other for years.
Use a full stop.
Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies. They
had hated each other for years.
Use a connective

Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies, they

had hated each other for years.
Use a connective (for example: such as, and,
but, because).
Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies and
they had hated each other for years.
Use a semi colon

Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies, they

had hated each other for years.
Use a semi colon if the ideas are closely
Romeo and Juliet’s parents were enemies; they
had hated each other for years.
Now try this paragraph
healthy eating advice recommends that we eat
five portions of fruit and vegetables a day only
one in five people in the UK follow this advice
meanwhile sales of crisps and confectionery
increase most young people prefer snacking to
eating meals this is blamed on advertising but
changes in family life are also responsible

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