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“Fifteen” William

Literary Analysis Question #1
 How does the writer use
personification to bring the
motorcycle to life?
 He uses personification by saying that
the motorcycle had demure headlights,
and he says that the motorcycle roared
away. This is personification because he
says that the motorcycle was loud and
had modest headlights, which are human
characteristics, which brings that
motorcycle to life.
Literary Analysis Question #2

 Where is the imagery in

this poem?
 The imagery is in the last stanza.
 “He had blood on his hand, was pale- I helped
him walk to his machine. He ran his hand over
it, called me a good man, roared away.”
Literary Analysis Question #3
 What happened to the
speaker in “Fifteen”?
 He helped a man who fell off his
Figures of Speech
 “Motorcycle with engine
running as it lay on its side.”

 The motorcycle was on, not

physically running.
Sensory Details
 “Pulsing gleam”

 This is used to show how the

reflection of the motorcycle in
the sun.
 “Stood with that companion.”

 The author is comparing the

motorcycle to a friend.

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