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Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,

That my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
That I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
To defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
That I always may be holy.
After listening to the song ask the students the following
• What line of the song do you like the most?
• W h a t a r e t h e d i ff e r e n t g r o u p s w e c a n b e l o n g t o o r w h e r e d o
we belong now?
• What are the often challenges that hinder a group to work
• What are the possibilities if a group works together?
• A s a m e m b e r, w h a t c a n y o u c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e f l o u r i s h i n g o f
the group?
• Is the message of the song like what we experience in the
group we all belong to called “Church”?
to Church

SELF -> Relationship – Vocations

SELF -> personal Relationship –> COMMUNAL

relationship - CHURCH
LC1: Understand the different
models of the Church

LC2: Translate each model into

actual communitarian life

LC 3: Create a reflection drawn out

from the Lord’s prayer on
Augustine’s vision of the Church
(Acts 2:42-47)
“They devoted themselves to the
teaching of the apostles and to the
communal life, to the breaking of the
b r e a d a n d t h e p r a y e r s . Aw e c a m e u p o n
everyone, and many wonders and
signs were done through the apostles.
All who believed were together and
had all things in common; they would
sell their property and possessions
and divide them among all according
t o e a c h o n e ’s n e e d .
Every day they devoted
themselves to meeting together in
the temple area and to breaking
bread in their homes. They ate
their meals with exultation and
sincerity of heart, praising God
and enjoying favor with all the
people. And every day the Lord
added to their number those who
were being saved.”
• Describe how the early Church
lived out the value of a
c o m m u n i t y.
• How do these values of Communal
Life be experienced in our Church
Based on your personal
understanding of the word
“Church”, what three words
can you associate with this
ecclesia = Latin, ekkalein = Greek
Means to “call out”, a convocation, or an assembly.

ekklesia = Greek Word

Those who are called forth. All of us baptized and
believe in God are called forth by the Lord. Together
we are the Church. Christ is, as Paul says, the Head of
the Church. We are his body. (Youcat 121)

Image: Infanta Parish, 2018

kyriake = Greek Word,
kirche = German; Church = English
Belonging to the Lord; consists of those called together
from all nations who through Baptism belong to the
Body of Christ.

Liturgical assembly, local community, whole

universal community

Image: Infanta Parish, 2018

The Church was seen as a single identity with a
threefold thrust
CARDINAL Avery Dulles, SJ
He was the first U.S. theologian to be named to the
College of Cardinals. Avery Dulles was also the first
American Jesuit to receive that honor.
What are the models of
the Church according to
Avery Dulles?
Church as a Sacrament
Church as a Herald
Church as a Servant
Church as a Mystical Communion
Church as a Institution
Church as a Community of Disciple
Augustine’s View
According to the “City of God” the
earthly city and the celestial city
coexist with each other; thus, the
difficulty of distinguishing one from
the other.
Augustine’s View
St. Augustine does not relegate
eschatology to some undetermined
future date but sees it as somehow
realized in the present day, even if
not to its fullest potential.
Mary, Mother of the
What is the Church supposed
to be doing in the world

The CHALLENGE is in you now…
As a MEMBER of the Church,
what can or what will you do?
Tweet IT!
Write your answers in the chat box.

How can you actively involve yourself in the mission

of the Church to spread the kingdom of God and
make all men partakers in redemption and
The Dulles models rise out of this age-old distinction and try to
show the many facets, the many ways of looking at a single,
complicated, and rich form of life. The Church is both of this
world and not of this world; it is both natural and supernatural;
it is both material and spiritual; it is both sacramental and
action centered. It has the structure and order (or hierarchy)
needed for any society but it also is fellowship and service.
Prayer for the Joy of the Gospel
Star of the new evangelization,
help us to bear radiant witness to
communion, service, ardent and generous
faith, justice and love of the poor, that the
joy of the Gospel
may reach to the ends of the earth,
illuminating even the fringes of our world.
Mother of the living Gospel,
wellspring of happiness for God's little ones,
pray for us.
Amen. Alleluia!
Thank you for
participating in the
class today! Don’t
forget to finish your for
our long quiz on Friday
and Essay!

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