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El sistema de Determinación

 El sistema de determinación permite a los hablantes

seleccionar y particularizar las cosas cuando se habla de
 El elemento del grupo nominal a través del cual esto se
realiza es el determinador
 y las clases de unidades que comprenden este elemento
de la estructura son los determinantes
Determinantes Deícticos
 Demostrativos
 Particularizan el referente del sustantivo
indicando si está cerca o lejos del
 En inglés: this, that, these, those
 En español: este, esta, estos, estas y
ese, esa, esos, esas, aquel, aquella,
aquellos, aquellas
Determinantes Deícticos
 Determinantes genitivos
 Además de la función semántica de
posesión, como por ej. en ‘the boy’s
books’ = the boy has books, el genitivo
puede tener otros significados, a saber:
 Europe’s big cities: locativo
 A year’s trip: duración
 The dog’s tail: inherencia
Determinantes Deícticos
 The girl’s nephew: parentesco
 Tom’s friends: ámbito
 Shakespeare’s plays: origen / fuente
 Napoleon’s mistake: agente
 Napoleon’s defeat: paciente
 Men’s shoes: descripción = clasificador
 Dogs’ food: descripción = clasificador
Determinantes Deícticos
 Las mismas relaciones funcionales se pueden
expresar por medio de los adjetivos posesivos, por
 Her eyes: inherencia
 His car: posesión
 Their son: parentesco
 His mistake: agente
 Her operation: paciente
 Our friendship: recíproco
Determinantes Deícticos
 Las relaciones funcionales que, en inglés, se
expresan por medio de construcciones genitivas se
pueden expresar en español por medio de adjetivos
posesivos, por ej.:
 Su rostro: inherencia
 Mi casa: posesión
 Nuestra amistad: recíproco
 Su hijo: parentesco
 Tu obra: origen
 Su reacción: agente
Determinantes Deícticos No
 En inglés:
 Seleccionan entidades por referencia a:
 a) su indefinitud: some, any, no
 Choose any question in section one
 Escoja cualquier pregunta de la sección uno
 Can you give me any idea of the possible date of
the meeting?
 ¿Puedes darme alguna idea de la fecha de la
Determinantes Deícticos No
 b) su distribución:
 both, either, neither (sustantivos contables en un
conjunto de solo dos miembros),
 You must never cross without looking both ways.
 each, every (sustantivos contables en un conjunto
de dos o más),
 You can park on each side of the road
 all (sustantivos contables singulares o plurales y
sustantivos no contables)
 All men are created equal
 I couldn’t read all the novel
Determinantes Deícticos WH
 De Selección Específica: which, whose
 Which movie would you like to see?
 I may be late, in which case start without
 De Selección No Específica: what,
whatever, whichever,
 What ideas have you got about this job?
 I’ll show you what information I have.
Determinantes Adjetivos
 La determinación se puede realizar a través de adjetivos que
cumplen una función selectiva más que cualitativa:
 - similitud: same, identical,
 - diferencia: other, different,
 - totalidad: complete, whole, entire, total,
 - familiaridad: familiar, famous, notorious,
 - regularidad: usual, normal, customary, regular,
 - particularidad: particular, certain, original, main, chief,
 - exclusividad: a) sole, solitary, only, (the) precise,
 b) adjetivos superlativos: (the) best, smallest, tallest,
 - cantidad: a) definida: one, first, single; two, second, double,
 b) indefinida: many, several, few,
Ejercicio 1
 One final point needs to be addressed in this discussion of
each parameter of TV as an international process. In July
of last year the magazine Asian Broadcasting wrote a
headline that read, "Satellites: Everybody wants one." The
particular theory is that direct broadcast satellite (DBS)
systems are ideal for some countries that are eager to
provide their people with common telecommunications
 Behind that thesis lies the usual social notion that the
application of such technologies can enhance ambitions of
boosting socioeconomic development. The other immediate
advantage of DBS is its ability to split any sound signal to
serve a nation that may be geopolitically a single entity,
but which in linguistic and cultural terms is no more than
an aggregate of different groups.
Ejercicio contrastivo
 I know that some people feel a greater
security in taking a child who has passed the
mental and physical tests of the first year or
two. But parents take certain risks with all
children, by birth as well as by adoption.
 Sé que algunas personas sienten mayor
seguridad adoptando a un niño que haya
pasado la prueba física del primer año, o de
los dos primeros. Pero los padres corren
ciertos riesgos con los hijos, propios o
Ejercicio contrastivo
 A mentally or physically defective child can be
born in any family. Parents actually take far
less risk in adoption than in birth. Most types
of physical malformation are apparent at
 Una criatura con deficiencias físicas o
mentales puede nacer en cualquier familia.
En realidad, los padres corren mucho menor
riesgo adoptando a un niño que teniéndolo.
La mayor parte de las deformaciones físicas
son patentes cuando el niño nace.
Ejercicio contrastivo
 As for mental defects, the most obvious sorts
can be detected at birth, while the least
obvious may escape detection until the child
is of school age.
 En cuanto a los defectos mentales, los más
obvios se perciben desde el nacimiento; los
menos visibles pueden pasar inadvertidos
hasta la edad escolar.
Ejercicio 2
 Clasifique los determinantes que aparecen en el
siguiente texto:
 To a degree that still troubles every veteran
lawyer, the case against Gary Graham
depended on the testimony of a single
eyewitness. Graham was found guilty of
shooting a drug dealer named Bobby Lambert
outside a Safeway store in north Houston in
May 1981. The murder weapon was never
found and prosecutors had no physical
evidence linking Graham to the crime scene.
But they had Bernadine Skillern, a 34-year-old
secretary and mother of three.
Ejercicio 2
 Skillern, sitting in her car in the
Safeway parking lot, actually saw the
murder take place - she even honked
her horn in a frantic effort to distract
the gunman. "I saw Mr. Graham shoot
and kill Mr. Lambert on that parking lot
in 1981," she told a press conference in
Houston last week. "That has not
changed. That is not going to change."
Ejercicio 2
 Sounds like a solid case for the prosecution
until you know that two other witnesses, both
entirely credible, say Graham was not the
killer - and no jury has ever heard their
testimony. In interviews with NEWSWEEK,
these witnesses raise doubts about Graham's
conviction and death sentence, now the focus
of an increasingly desperate effort to win a
stay of execution from the state of Texas and
Gov. George W. Bush.
 Bush supports the death penalty, and his
campaign last week had no statement on the
Graham case. But capital punishment is now
an issue in the presidential race and, in
Austin, the governor's staff was treading
carefully. Graham's lawyers got a meeting
with Bush's general counsel and the chairman
of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles,
which will review the case this week - a sliver
of hope for Graham.
Ejercicio contrastivo
 Deeman and Dalia, 13- and 14-year old sisters, have been
living in the Erbil orphanage for seven years. The girls have
two brothers who are living in a nearby boys' orphanage
and three older sisters who live with their grandmother.
For many years, nobody was quite sure what had become
of the children's parents.
 Deeman y Dalia, dos hermanas de 13 y 14 años, llevan
viviendo en el orfelinato de Erbil desde hace siete años.
Las niñas tienen dos hermanos que viven en un orfelinato
cercano para varones y tres hermanas mayores que
habitan con su abuela. Durante muchos años, nadie supo
con seguridad qué había ocurrido con el padre y la madre
de estos niños.
Ejercicio contrastivo…
 Twelve year old Sheima is another resident. She explains
that six years ago her mother "went mad and was sent
back to her father's home." She was later taken to the
orphanage. Her father is a welder and comes to see her
every week. She likes playing and songs, and going on
picnics and camping trips that are sometimes arranged by
the orphanage.
 Sheima, de 12 años, es otra residente. Explica que hace
seis años su madre "enloqueció y la enviaron de vuelta a
la casa de su padre". A Sheima la enviaron poco después
al orfelinato. Su padre es un soldador y la visita todas las
semanas. Le gusta jugar y cantar, ir al campo a almorzar y
las excursiones que a menudo organiza el orfelinato.

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