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mechanisms for
community health
module time: 70hrs
By Mutua Philip, BSc|CPHO
Module Concept:
➜Concepts & principles in networking,
partnership, resource mobilization
➜Strategies in resource mobilization,
partnership & entrepreneurship
Principles of
Principles: guidelines that spell out the Do’s and
Don’ts in our lives. They include:
➜ Enhance living ability: provide shelters & facilities that
reflect their socio-economic needs. Also provide access to
local services e.g., transport, food, health & conveniences.
➜ Healthy, safe & secure communities: promoted through
partnerships & planning that support physical activity,
provide opportunities and raise awareness on healthy
Principles… (Cont’d)
➜ Create opportunities for economic prosperity:
Providing opportunities for the community to
access education & learning systems, employment
opportunities; production & procurement of local
goods & services.
➜ Foster environmental responsibility: S.C should
respect the environmental systems that support
them i.e., protect & restore the natural
environmental values, infrastructure, transport &
Principles… (Cont’d)
➜ Embrace excellence: create opportunities to
revitalize existing resources for excellence
➜ Demonstrate leadership & strong governance:
Leadership & governance should be transparent,
accountable & adaptable.
➜ Prioritize individual client/patient as the center
of care: designed to meet the clinical and social
needs of the patients and clients being served.
Principles… (cont’d)
➜ Reflect community needs in every aspect:
Community engagement of CHV programs is
essential to ensure trust.
➜ Follow evidence-based protocols to meet
community needs: Programs should use evidence-
based plans
➜ Build systems to support service provided by
CHVs: This include well-designed operational
plans, management structures, & user-friendly data
➜ Select & develop high-quality workforce: Hiring
& training should focus on interpersonal skills.
CHVs have clear paths to career development & be
compensated for their work.
➜ Be a strong partner to health systems: ability to provide
reliable, high-quality services in partnership is essential to
achieve sustainability.
➜ Make CHVs an integral part of the full care team
➜ Align program operational and financial models: designed to
work closely

Importance of sustainability in c.h

➜ Improves trust and engagement between staff,
investors, customers and other stakeholders
➜ Attracts and retains employees
➜ Builds credibility, relationships and enhances
➜ Reinforce community relations
➜ Promotes innovations
Importance of sustainability in c.h 10

➜ Conserves resource base

➜ Ensures future for all
➜ Optimizes resource usage
➜ Improves societal impact
➜ Ensures continuity of health care services
➜ Better standards of healthcare - particularly as it
pertains to water quality and better sanitation
➜ Sustainable economic growth while promoting
jobs and stronger economies
What to sustain in c.h programs 11

➜ Planning - fxn of mgn’t that involves setting objectives and

determining a course of action for achieving those objectives.
➜ Implementation - the realization of an application, or
execution of a plan, idea, model, design.
➜ Monitoring – Continuous observation/ data collection and
checking the progress or quality of activity over a period of
➜ Evaluation - the making of judgment about value of
➜ Resource mobilization - refers to all activities involved in
securing new/additional resources for your organization.
Sustainability strategies
➜ Integration: All-inclusive service delivery or mgn’t of health
services so that community members get the care they need,
when they need it (access), in ways that are provider-friendly
& user-friendly, while achieving the desired goal.
➜ Community involvement: the power to bring positive
change to both the communities in which you operate and do
your business
➜ Domestic financing: This is the process of engaging local
people or community members to fund their health activities
➜ Voluntarism
➜ Lack of commitment
➜ Individual centered
➜ Lack of clarity of objectives
➜ Ineffective governance
➜ Poor leadership
➜ Lack of flexibility and responsiveness
➜ Inconsistency of purpose
➜ Lack of membership maintenance
➜ Lack of transparency
➜ Corruption and misappropriation of resources
➜ Dependence of external financing and support

definitions 15

➜ Network: group of agencies, organizations or

individuals that agree to work collaboratively or in
partnership to achieve a common goal.
➜ Networking: The action or process of interacting
with others to exchange information and develop
professional, work or social contacts
➜ Community networks happen when people come
together to build & maintain the necessary
infrastructure, teamwork & resources for achieving a
common goal
Pillars/elements of networking

A. Organizational structure
➜ A clear structure creates communication and is
important to an efficient network
➜ An effective structure is the foundational necessary
to a network’s operational capacity
➜ A successful community organization must have a
clear structure so that all information and necessary
responses are coordinated

➜ Both financial and human capital are necessary
➜ Resources facilitate information collection and
necessary intervention
➜ A well-resourced network is capable of having
impact. An insufficiently resourced network, no
matter how well-organized, simply cannot have the
impact it seeks to achieve

Information collection and dissemination

➜ Relevant and accurate information that is properly
channeled in a structured manner is the key to
effective information collection and dissemination
➜ Accurate information will allow a network to detect
early warning signs and enable it to decide on
appropriate action to prevent further damage
Rapid assessment process
➜ Timely and informed decision-making
enables networks to grab opportunities
➜ The most effective networks distinguish
themselves by their ability to simultaneously
make rapid and well informed decisions
Access to influence
➜ Access to influence is an essential tool to a
network’s ability to effect real world impact
➜ Access refers to a network’s ability to influence
individuals or institutions that have the power to
advance or implement the organization’s objectives

➜ Outreach is vital to sustainable and enduring
organizational success
➜ Effective outreach programs can help a network
attain its long-term objectives
Principles of networking 22

➜ Give more than you get - Networking is a two-way street

➜ Be genuine - It’s important to be genuine in your networking efforts, and really
make an effort to get to know the people that you want to connect with.
➜ Be proactive - If you’re starting from scratch you will need to take action by being
more active in order to build your network
➜ Take a long-term approach - Building a strong network takes time
➜ Prioritize quality over quantity - It’s not important that you have thousands of people
in your network. What is much more important is the quality of those connections.
➜ Don’t focus only on influential leaders – start small but grow big
➜ Be approachable - let others easily reach you
➜ Set aside time for networking
Importance of networking in C.H 23

➜ Strengthen connections for activities

➜ Its an excellent source of new ideas to help you in your role
➜ Helps to develop skills and improve career
➜ Raise your profile and build your reputation
➜ Builds confidence
➜ Develop long-lasting personal relationships
➜ Get an answer to every question
➜ Facilitate meeting prospective mentors, partners, and clients
➜ Helps gain access to the necessary resources that will foster your
career development
Networking Strategies 24

➜ Done digitally (through social media)
➜ Ex. of the online networks are LAN (Local Area Network), use of
social network platforms such as Emails, Facebook, Whatsapp etc.
Physical contact
➜ Involves physical contact with the people you are establishing
network with.
Steps of establishing a network 25
Step 1. Create a directory of your network - think about past contacts
(managers, bosses, supervisors etc)
Step 2. Plan ahead – work out what you want from each chat
Step 3. Get your elevator pitch right - be quick in sharing
Step 4. Reciprocate – Receive and expect to give back
Step 5. Use social media e.g., LinkedIn, Whatsapp, twitter etc
Step 6. Attend events
Step 7. Listen and build rapport – nodding, maintain eye contact etc.
Step 8. Nurture your network – sustain its working
Step 9. Raise your profile – self-concept and high self-esteem
Challenges to Networking 26

➜ Security issues
➜ Lack of capacity to participate in the network
➜ Maintenance of network
➜ Low awareness of the networking purpose
➜ Lack of defined roles and responsibilities
➜ Number of people in the network
➜ Physical obstruction
➜ Connection and signal sharing in case of digital networking
Entrepreneurship 28

➜ The activity of setting up a business and taking on financial risks in

the hope of profit
➜ The act of creating a business while building and scaling it to generate
a profit.
➜ The practice of creating, developing, & running a new business
➜ Involves weighing the risk of losing money with the potential rewards
that can be gained by a successful business model
An entrepreneur… 29

➜ The person who creates a new enterprise and embraces every

challenge for its development and operation
➜ Anyone who creates and runs their own business. This person must
i) ambition,
ii) responsibility
➜ One perceived as risk-taking innovator(s) whose pursuit of opportunity
can fundamentally change the world by introducing new products or
Pillars/elements/attributes) of entrepreneurship 30

➜ Innovation - exploits opportunities available in the market and

overcome any threats.
➜ Risk-Taking - A good entrepreneur knows how to take and manage
the risks of their business
➜ Vision - setting out short term & long term goals & objectives for the
➜ Organization - Ability to manage & organize their finances,
employees, resources, etc.
➜ Activities – perform specific tasks
➜ Value creation - transforming a business, creating a new business, growing a
business, creating or wealth
Types of entrepreneurship 31
➜ Small business entrepreneurship: 50-1,500 employees and relies on
family, friends & relatives for financial support
➜ Large company entrepreneurship: Constantly seek new markets &
innovative products in order to ensure sustained economic growth
➜ Scalable startup entrepreneurship: major risk takers who believe so
strongly in their business ideas that they are willing to leverage large
amounts of capital in the hope of larger returns
➜ Social Entrepreneurship: Make products and services that solve
problems and produce positive social change
Principles of entrepreneurship 32
➜ Making a lot of money fast is not the first goal of entrepreneurs
➜ Find the right opportunity
➜ Build successful teams
➜ Make sure that execution is critical
➜ Be aware of your impact
➜ Be aware of your social and economic role
➜ Be a solution provider
➜ Have a vision
➜ Select the team wisely
➜ Have capital
➜ Accountability
➜ Know your customers
➜ Set priorities
➜ Never give up
Importance of entrepreneurship in community health 33

➜ Job Creation – businesses grow to create more jobs

➜ Innovation - Technological advances solve problems, create
efficiencies, or improve the world.
➜ Entrepreneurs create change
➜ CSR -Entrepreneurs are some of the biggest donors to charities and
nonprofits for various causes
➜ National income addition - growth of new markets and new wealth
builds the economy

Entrepreneurship strategies 34

➜ Study the competition – know who your competitors are

➜ Conserve cash no matter how good business is – helps survive
unforeseen circumstances
➜ Research new products and services: understand emerging products
and services so as to improve your biz
➜ Don’t tackle huge markets at first: avoid initial expansion but
rather meet market needs by offering something new
➜ Listen to customer feedback and adapt
➜ Respond to change: change is inevitable and those capable of responding are
flexible and versatile
➜ Setting goals and targets
➜ Use social media
Steps of establishing an entrepreneurship 35

Step I: Deciding to become an entrepreneur

The desire to become an entrepreneur may be triggered by any on
the following factors:
➜ An innovative idea backed by ability to start a business
➜ Inheriting wealth and skills to establish an enterprise
➜ Prevailing problems in current jobs
➜ Willing to become own boss
➜ Pursuing own ideas
➜ Realizing the need of earning money
Steps of establishing an entrepreneurship… 36

Step II: Finding the right business opportunity

➜ Pick a field to work in and business to start
➜ Find a business that won’t only be successful, but is something that
you are passionate about.

Step III: Determine if you should get education

➜ You don’t need to have any type of formal education to be an
entrepreneur, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore education
➜ If you want to start a tech company, experience in business, computer
programming and marketing could all be valuable.
Steps of establishing an entrepreneurship… 37

Step IV: Plan your business

➜ A business plan lays out objectives and strategy for achieving those
➜ This plan is important for getting investors on board, as well as
measuring how successful your business is

Step V. Determine the required resources

➜ What resources are required to meet the identified opportunity
➜ The entrepreneur needs to be careful while determining the amount
and quality of resources required.
Steps of establishing an entrepreneurship… 38

Step VI: Find your target group/audience

➜ Not every business appeals to everyone
➜ The age, gender, income, race and culture of your target group will
play a large role in determining what business you want to start and

Step VII: Network

➜ Meet other people that might have skills you can use in your business.
➜ Find potential investors through networking to help get your business
Steps of establishing an entrepreneurship… 39

Step IX: Sell your idea

➜ Consumers want products, but they don’t always know which product
to pick – convince people that whatever you’re selling is the best
option available
➜ What makes your product unique? Know and then sell it based on the
value it adds.
➜ Step X: Market: make it known
➜ Management and control: keep a check on resources
Challenges in entrepreneurship 40
➜ Cash flow management: difficulties in paying bills, late invoicing
and payments delays business operations
➜ Marketing strategy: positioning your product/service to be seen
➜ Little or no capital
➜ Due diligence: Non-adherence to financial rules
➜ Time management
➜ Delegation: Hire the best and delegate with wisdom:
➜ Balancing perfection and progress: difference between almost barely good-
enough, and perfect-enough.
➜ Keeping Ego under control: ego can lead to bad decisions, losses and can cost your
Definition 42

➜ A voluntary & collaborative agreement btn two or more parties in

which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common
purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities,
resources, competencies and benefits.
➜ It is a form of rship and collaboration formed by agreement between
two or more individuals who carry out activities as co-owners and
share management and profits.
➜ Partners: people who invest resources in the partnership
Characteristics of A Good Partnership 43

➜ Mutual contribution
➜ Division of profits or losses
➜ Co-ownership of contributed assets
➜ Mutual agency
➜ Limited life
➜ Unlimited liability
➜ Partners' equity accounts
Types of Partnerships 44

A. General partnership:
➜ The partners share equal rights and responsibilities in connection with
management of the project
➜ Any individual partner can bind the entire group to a legal obligation.
➜ Each individual partner takes full responsibility for all of the
business's obligations.

Types of Partnerships….
B. Limited partnership
➜ Allows each partner to restrict his or her personal liability to the
amount of his or her project investment
➜ Not every partner can take lead.
➜ At least one participant must take full lead for the project’s obligations
Types of Partnerships…. 46

C. Community partnership
➜ Formal and informal local community connections, collaborative
projects, and relationships that advance the community development
3 Levels of Community partnership
I. Partnerships among community-based organizations
II. Cross-sector partnerships (between community and the government
or learning centers
III. Partnerships between community and donor organizations


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