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Mayurie Odayan

Giving Feedback


Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Giving your own feedback

Presentation title 2


To deal with something or someone.

For example : I am impressed on how well you handled/dealt with that


Presentation title 3

Collected/controlled (adjective)
Collect/collected (verb)

Calm , with your emotions in check/ to be patient

For example : I stayed calm and collected throughout/during the HR


Presentation title 4


Feasible ( affordable or timely)

For example : she quickly developed several viable solutions.

Presentation title 5

• The first and probably most important rule of feedback is to

remember that you are making no comment on what type of person
they are, or on what they believe or value.
• Feedback should describe the effect of the person's behavior on you.
It should be timely as well as delivered at the right moment.
• Think about specific occasions and specific behavior and point to
exactly what the person did and exactly how it made you feel.

Presentation title 6
Activity 1

• Feedback should not be about the (values / person /behaviour )

• Feedback should describe the (outcome / effect (how the person feels after the
situation) /affect (spreading))
• Feedback should be (delayed / timely /immediate)
• Feedback should point to specific (values / person / behaviour)
• Feedback should be about how the behaviour made
(them/ everyone/ you) feel.

Presentation title 7
Activity 2

• Sarah ,please sit down , I’d like to give you some ____ on how you
_____ several _____of your presentation yesterday.
(back feed / feedback /feedbacking /feedbacks)

• Overall ,I was _____ with ____ it was. You moved ____ the next
very smoothly.
(impress /impressed /pressed /impressing)

Activity 2

• You also anticipated a couple of good ideas for the project that might
become major solutions for your audience. That was well done.
(was anticipated /anticipating /anticipated /anticipate )

• I was also impressed with how you answered their questions . It

demonstrated that you can conquer difficult situations and
(impressed with / impressed on /impressed with / impressed for )
Common phrases for giving feedback

1. Room for improvement (possibly they can do better)

2. Be proud of (to impress you)
3. Team player
4. Take the lead (doing it on his own) (he can work by himself)
5. Be confident that (to trust)

Activity 3

Our team has a lot to be proud of . We just completed a difficult

project. The boss asked if our team would do it, because we're all team
players and work together well. She said that she was confident this
team could do it. She asked me to take the lead . Although the project
was a success, there's always room for improvement.

Team players , room for improvement , take the lead , be proud

of , was confident that
Giving your own feedback .

Giving feedback is a part of life. In the business world, there are times
when formal feedback is given, such as a performance review. There are
other times when it's informal.

Write an email to a co-worker. Give feedback on something they did to move a project along or on a
presentation they gave. Mention how well they handled a couple of aspects of it.


Business opportunities are like buses.
There's always another one coming.
Richard Branson

Thank you

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