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Python vs. R:

Python vs. R :
R and Python are the most popular programming languages used by data analysts and
data scientists. Both are free and open source and were developed in the early 1990s—
R for statistical analysis and Python as a general-purpose programming language.
In the first, I will cover the vital aspect of python language after that covers important
aspect in R language.

About Python :
Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language.
Python programming language has been created by Guido van Rossum in 1991.
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Guido van Rossum (Inventor of Python)

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Benefits of Python include:
• It is open source, freely available, and quite stable.
• Python is a simple, minimalistic and straightforward language. Reading a good Python
program feels almost like reading English and it is so easy to work with and
• Python is easy to learn, although you are not a trained, programmer. You can begin
working with the Python language; it just takes a bit of patience and a lot of practice.

• The Python resource library is one of the best among programming languages.

• Python allows scaling even the most complex applications with ease.

• In data mining, big data and automation platforms are depend on Python. It is the
perfect language to work with for general purpose tasks.
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• Python is used for a more productive coding environment than massive languages
like C# and Java. Experienced coders tend to stay more organized and productive
when working with Python, as well.
• Python provides us a Django, which is an open source web application
framework. These frameworks – like Ruby on Rails – can be used to simplify the
development process.
• It has a massive support base thanks to the fact that it is open source and
community developed. Millions of like-minded developers work with the
language on a daily basis and continue to improve core functionality. The latest
version of Python continues to receive enhancements and updates as time

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The main reasons why Python is mainly used in the research and scientific 
communities is because of its ease of use and simple syntax which makes it easy to
adapt for the people who have an non-engineering background. It is also more suited
for quick prototyping. Another reason that could explain the popularity of Python is
that most online courses on data science and machine learning as pushing Python
because it is easy to use for beginners.
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Learn python + Advanced Python Training
Ease of Libraries: Python comes with many inbuilt libraries for data science,
machine learning and artificial intelligence. Some of the most popular libraries are
Pandas (for Data Science), Pytorch, TensorFlow (high-level neural network library
for deep learning), scikit-learn (for data mining, data analysis and machine
learning), matplotlib, seaborn, scikit (data visualization), etc. Thanks to Python’s
popularity, there are numerous resources — machine learning and data science
tutorials — out there where Python libraries are utilized. Plenty of tutorials are
readily available online as well.
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