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16 – 20 Jan 2017

Awareness of social cultural

diversity in Malay
What do you understand by cd and
why is it essential for everyone to
understand it?
The importance for teachers
Awareness of Socio-cultural Diversity in
 Awareness of socio-cultural diversity in Malaysia
- Race
- Language
- Social Structure
- Belief
- Custom and Rituals

- Race
The emergence of a race is related to the
similarities that each individual in a group
share the similar characteristics ; common
language, religion, cultures, similar
territory, same country (citizen) – Hans
Kohn as cited in Kaelan (2002)
Nationalism or togetherness
 Friedrich Hertz : :Nationality in History and
 Every race has four elements
• The desire to achieve national unity
consisting of social cohesion, economic,
political, religious , cultural,
communication and solidarity.
• Desire to independence, excellence,
individualism, originality and or
• Desire to achieve independence, that
is free from foreign domination. A
desire to stand out among the nations,
excel in the pursuit of honour,
influence and position.
• Conclusion: Race – group of people
who are originated from a common
descent and practices its own customs,
language and culture
Pair discussion
Discuss what elements are
shared as a Malaysian race
- Language

I Malaysia
 Describe how it came to be in existence in pairs.. Give examples of
words shared by all races in Malaysia.
 What is the most significant role of language in Malaysia

 A language tool used by every member of the community

 An important medium to share information
 language function : refers to the purpose for which speech or writing is
being used

 Savignon: the use to which language is put, the purpose of an utterance

 language function : refers to the purpose for
which speech or writing is being used

 Savignon: the use to which language is put, the

purpose of an utterance

 What are the language functions in English?

Social Structure

 In groups:
 Compare and contrast the social structure (arrangement) of traditional society
- with the modern society using a GO

 Discuss the responsibilities of the social structure in our organisation : IPGKBA

- Belief

 State or habit of mind in which trust or

confidence is placed in a person, or thing

 Core of moral development


 Discuss the various beliefs in Malaysia

 Differences between akidah and faith;

religions and belief systems
- Custom and Rituals

 Malay Chinese Indian Indigeniuos of East M

Seventh month pregnancy
 Discuss this in groups
The importance of socio-cultural awareness to teachers in

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