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( Objective structured clinical exam )


5th year 2005-2006


 what is the
abnormality ?
periorbital edema
 list three differential

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬
 A 9 month child came with history of
vomiting and diarrhea for 6 days. his lab
results showing : Na high , Cl high , urea
high , K normal
 what is your diagnosis ? hypernatremic
 list two complications

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 this is a head circumference readings of a

child presenting with failure of growth :
2 month 38 cm
4 month 42 cm
6 month 48 cm
 plot the reading on the chart provided (there
is a chart with the papers)
 list two differential diagnosis
 give a confirmatory investigation

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 A 8 years child came to ER

with dyspnea and cyanosis.
this is his chest x-ray :
 name three abnormalities
 what is the diagnosis
(transposition of great
 list two investigations to
confirm your diagnosis

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 A child came with growth delay. and this

is the microscopic picture of his stool :
 what is the diagnosis
 how does this disease cause his delay

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 what are the names of

these signs : palmar
grasp , pincer grip
 what are the
developmental ages of
each one

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 A patient came with lethargy. this is her CBC

results :
Hb low
MCV low
MCH low
 name two differential diagnosis
 name a confirmatory test for each one.

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 name this test ?

tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test)
 what is dose in IU
 what is the route of administration
 when to read the test
 when to consider it positive

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 this is a pedigree showing

inheritance pattern :
 what is the inheritance pattern ?
autosomal dominant
 give two examples of diseases
inherited by this pattern
(spherocytosis, tuberosclerosis,

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬

 this is an ABG results :

PH 7.19 (low)
PO2 low
PCO2 high
HCO3- normal
 what is the diagnosis ?
respiratory acidosis (or respiratory failure type2)
 list two causes

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‫مرض األعذار‬
‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬
‫مرض األعذار‬
Active OSCE stations

1. This is a 7 years child complaining of skin

rash ask his father / mother relevant
2. Do a lower limb motor neurological
examination EXCLUDING sensory
examination and talk while examining
(there was a child with scissoring limbs
and another one with hypotonia )

‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬

‫مرض األعذار‬
3. Do complete abdominal examination
to this child (without the general
GIT examination ) ( the child has
spleen enlargement )
4. examine the precoridum (no general
5. Anwar is a 8-year old girl
complaining of right side weakness
ask relevant questions (she is a SCA
‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬
patient, CVA)
‫مرض األعذار‬
‫املرض الرئيسي للنجاح‬
‫مرض األعذار‬

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