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What is Materialism?
Different points of views
What is Materialism?
Materialism is the philosophical belief that the
world is made of material, and that there are no
other types of entity (things). Everything is
composed of material. Things that are not made
of material, such as consciousness, are the result
of actions by material. In other words, matter is
the only real substance. Pg-18
Different points of views
1. Materialism
2. Idealism
3. Evolutionism
4. Pragmatism
5. Naturalism
6. Realism Pg-18
This is the view that the only reality is the ideal
world. This would be the world of ideas. It is the
view that there is no external reality composed of
matter and energy. There are only ideas existing
within minds. Idealism is the metaphysical view
that associates reality to ideas in the mind rather
than to material objects. Pg-26
From the being of huma civilization, question
regarding the the origin of the world, the universe,
origin of life and the future of life on earth have
occupied the human intellect.

Question; why did God create this world? Pg-36

PRAGMATISM is a practical approach to problems
and affairs and is opposed to all form of idealism and
absolutism. Pragmatism is inspired by actual human
experience. Pg-45

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