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Respiratory distress

Dr. E.M Nghitanwa

22 March 2023
Respiratory distress
 Define respiratory distress.
 Detect and manage respiratory distress.
 Identify complications and act accordingly.
 Manage conditions associated with

respiratory distress.
 Differentiate between the different

 Provide psychological and emotional support

to the family.
 Write accurate records.
Respiratory distress

 A collection of clinical signs which indicate

that the infant has difficulty in breathing.

 4 most important clinical signs:

1. Thachypnoea
2. Central cyanosis
3. Recession
4. Grunting
If 2 or more of above clinical signs→RD
Respiratory distress
 Important causes:
 Immature lung development
 Risk factor in utero – IUGR, Antepartum

 Risk factor in labour eg. Fetal distress,

meconium aspiration, cord prolapse

 Pulmonary causes:
 Hyaline membrane disease
 Wet lung syndrome
 Meconium aspiration
 Pneumonia
Respiratory distress

 Extra pulmonary causes:

 Heart failure
 Hypothermia
 Metabolic acidosis
 Anaemia
 Polycythaemia
Respiratory distress

 Principles of care are the same irrespective

 Warmth
 Handle as little as possible

 Provide energy ( milk, ivi)

 Oxygen for central cyanosis
 Record:

1. Resp. rate
2. Presence/absence of recession or grunting
Respiratory distress

3. presence/absence of cyanosis
4. Percentage of inspired O₂
5. Heart rate
6. Skin and incubator temp.
• X-ray
• Consult level 2 or 3 hospital
• If CPAP fails, (the Dr or Advanced midwife
intubate and ventilate) Not in your scope of

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